This project is funded in part by a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant award. A 3,600 acre purchase and smaller tracts totaling 2,012 was added in 1971. All counties are represented except Boone, Chicot, Crittenden, Dallas, Fulton, Grant, Jackson, Lincoln, and St. Francis County. CherokeeandLafayette Areadeerpermitswere specific for shortperiodhunts. The Old State House Museum is the original state capitol of Arkansas. Creating a disturbance after 10 p.m. is not allowed. To learn more about Arkansas wildlife management areas, log on to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commissions website, Creating a disturbance after 10 p.m. is not allowed. Nature photographers and wildlife watchers also enjoy the diversity of creatures and landscapes found in the states management areas. Open Thursdays through Mondays. Located just north of Charleston, this tract is a high-quality prairie representative of the more extensive Cherokee Prairies that once occurred across the western portion of the Arkansas Valley. All users must obey all CGTC regulations, closed area (refer to hunting area map for restricted use areas) and access restrictions, and wildlife regulations and laws. The 4,885 acres is now called Rick Evans/Grandview Prairie Wildlife Management Area and Conservation Education Center. Our 57 cooperative WMAs are owned by or with other agencies and corporations: the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Army, the University of Arkansas, the Arkansas Forestry Commission, the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission, the National Park Service, the Arkansas Army National Guard, Central Arkansas Water, the city of Conway and the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism. A free annualGeneral Use Permit(WMP) is required to hunt or trap on WMAs. Camping is limited to no more than 14 consecutive days. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission works closely with other government agencies and private corporations, as well as nonprofit conservation organizations, to acquire and manage these lands to benefit people and wildlife. The two-story dogtrot structure was constructed by Jacob Wolf in 1829 as the first permanent courthouse for Izard County in Arkansas Territory. One of our great naturalists and conservation writers, Joseph Wood Krutch, penned these words in 1954: To live healthily and successfully on the land, we must also live with it. Heritage,advances and empowers the arts by providing services and Southeastern Outdoors. Gene Rush WMA is a facility adjoining the Buffalo National River, mostly in Newton County, with its eastern segment in Searcy County. [1], List of Wildlife Management Areas in Arkansas, Pierce, Jason. 2023 Encyclopedia of Arkansas. The main road through the area, Burnt Cabin Road, is seven miles from Zeb to Qualls. By using our website you are consenting to our use of cookies in accordance with our privacy policy. Cherokee PHA | Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Home Hunting Where To Hunt Cherokee PHA Contacts Hunting: (918) 931-0432 Game Warden (County): (918) 431-2562 (Cherokee) (918) 431-2552 (Cherokee) Area Acres 16,000 ac. Historic Arkansas Museum, sometimes called HAM, is a state Apostolic Outdoors; Jan 17, 2022; 2. The Cherokee Wildlife Management Area is located in eight counties primarily in the Boston Mountains and Ozark Foothills. (accessed April 19, 2022). . cultural and educational Creating a disturbance after 10 p.m. is not allowed. Permits are available online by clicking "Buy Licenses" atagfc.comor by calling 800-364-4263 or anyregional office. One legal turkey. Deer are also abundant at Ed Gordon/Point Remove, and firearm hunting for deer is by permit. A Cherokee WMA leased lands permit must be purchased to hunt, trap or camp on the area. All gates on the WMA are closed March to September, leaving the area available to walk-in hunting only. Jim Harris Managing Editor Arkansas Wildlife Magazine. The Division of Arkansas Heritage makes Arkansas grants available for historic preservation and the arts, as well as Heritage Month events. Read our Privacy Policy. Wildlife Management Areas; Leased Land Permits; General Hunting Regulations. Cherokee Prairie Natural Area is one of the largest remaining tracts of tallgrass prairie in the Arkansas Valley. Arkansas' wildlife management areas provide habitat for a rich assortment of wildlife. We work to promote the protection of farms, forests, ranches, endangered species habitats, wetlands and other open spaces by empowering landowners to make smart, sustainable decisions about their land. Page 40 of 43. TWRA Information on Calderwood Lake. FOR SALE 38 ACRES IN CHEROKEE COUNTY OKLAHOMA This 38 acres hunting property for sale is just 10 minutes away from Cookson Wildlife Management Area with some of the finest big game hunting in Eastern Oklahoma. C. South Cherokee Burning. ### Cherokee lands and waters support diverse communities of fish, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates. Cherokee lands and waters support diverse communities of fish, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates. "Brandon has extensive knowledge over habitat restoration and wildlife. Dogs allowed except during firearms deer hunts. . Little Rock, AR. Jan 2017 - Present6 years 3 months. Primitive campsites are available on most WMAs at no cost to the visitor. The museum was created as part of the Arkansas Territorial Capitol With access to about 5 miles of river frontage, the area provides unique fishing and paddling opportunities. Public access is limited in many cases. Bayou Meto WMA collections. Gene Rush WMA Privacy Policy. On these tracts of land, we can protect and nourish the habitat our wildlife needs to thrive, and thereby acknowledge our oneness with nature. 2023 Flanagan Prairie Natural Area, Civil War Round Table of the Delta - Buffalo Soldier Isaac Johnson, Battle of Helena: 160th Anniversary Reenactment, 6th Annual Beans, Greens and Cornbread Contest 2023, Research at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center. Eagle Gap N35.36409 W084.10667. This is a list of Wildlife Management Areas in Arkansas. Learning Series & Artistas Haciendo Negocios, GetSmART! Eleven oxbow lakes ranging in size from three to 33 acres dot the area and provide ample opportunities for sportsmen and sportswomen. species, some Major threats to fish and wildlife include habitat loss and fragmentation, invasive species and disease, pollution, over-exploitation, and climate change. Area Non-Ambulatory Acres 1,403.88 ac. Holdings include traditional archival material such as letters, diaries, maps, photographs, newspapers and broadsides. Nonhunters camping with a permit holder do not need to have a permit while camping. Yesterday and Today: Habitat is the Heart. The Arkansas Heritage Grants promote awareness and enjoyment of Arkansass heritage. Cherokee 141,000 acres in Cleburne, Conway, Faulkner, Franklin . The agency also houses the Main Street Arkansas program, which works with local communities to revitalize downtown commercial areas. Sustaining fish and wildlife populations and their interrelationships with the environment in a changing world is an integral part of maintaining Cherokee livelihood. Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge is a 459-acre sanctuary for abused and abandoned big cats. We are collecting stories from our Black communities statewide to preserve history in the making! Take all necessary safety precautions when visiting the area. 2-9-2023) Fish 'N Stuff (501-834-5733) in Sherwood said the upper part of Greers Ferry Lake, around Devil's Fork and Cherokee and the like, all of that part up in the . Daily limit - 6, possession limit -12. Wildlife management areas are also valuable educationally as outdoor classrooms, settings for nature-interpretation activities, and places for individual nature study and appreciation. Depending on the type of critter or service requested, the Fish and Wildlife Management office may refer you to a third-party local wildlife service provider, or you may contact the third party service provider directly by emailing Kenneth.whelpley@trutechinc.comor by calling Trutech Wildlife Service, at (803) 230-4944, fees may apply. A Cherokee WMA leased lands permit must be purchased to hunt, trap or camp on the area. Today, the area is a 15,000-acre resort destination that is home to a population of 4,700 full-time residents and more than 15,000 property owners. You can catch bluegills and crappie in river-bottom oxbow lakes, catfish in big Delta rivers, smallmouth bass and trout in cool mountain streams and creeks, and largemouth bass in man-made impoundments. Wear was named Manager over Tellico and South Cherokee Wildlife Management Areas in February of 2017. It was later given a more fitting name, linking a prominent Morrilton (Conway County) attorney and former AGFC commissioner with the major creek that flowed through the area. Almost 90 percent of the lands in Arkansas are privately owned. Helena, Arkansas 72342, 6th Annual Beans, Greens and Cornbread Contest 2023 105 Missouri Street Not able to visit us in person? fatal knife assistance to Arkansas arts organizations and other providers of Cherokee Prairie Natural Area is one of the largest remaining tracts of tallgrass prairie in the Arkansas Valley. have provided a wealth of information on more than 900 rare Jacob Wolf House Historic Site - Norfork, Arkansas. Visit the Third Floor Auditorium and explore the Arkansas Hunters in possession of a valid Cherokee WMA leased lands permit are allowed to use ATVs, motorcycles or bicycles only on open, maintained roads during an open hunting season while traveling to or from a campsite or hunting location. Cherokee WMA Nonquota Big Game permit (Type 095, Type 167 or Type 094) or Sportsman License is required to hunt the nonquota big game . CGTC is an active military training center. Read more, Little Beginnings Pre-K Program: Dr. Seuss. Dale Hollow National Fish Hatchery. Sheri Gourd. A free annualGeneral Use Permit(WMP) is required to hunt or trap on WMAs. Bird dogs allowed. Lanham, MD: Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 2003. Stay up to date with all things Arkansas Heritage. Go to General WMA Regulations Showing 1 to 131 of 131 entries Previous 1 Next Arkansas Wildlife Management Areas. You can park and ride from the Zeb entrance but the better riding areas are about 3-4 miles in. The Arkansas State Archives was renamed from the Arkansas History Commission by Act 3 of the Third Extraordinary Session of the 90th General Assembly on July 1, 2016. Then, travel on the lowlands of the WMA is mostly by boat or borrow ditches. Other cooperative WMA land is administered under agreements among the AGFC and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and several other agencies in addition to timber companies and other private owners. Of the almost 3 million acres in the system, 382,600 acres in 61 WMAs are owned entirely by the AGFC and/or other state agencies. Tribal offices responsible for the management of fish and wildlife resources include EBCI Fisheries and Wildlife Management and EBCI Natural Resources Enforcement. museum. secede from the United States and join the Confederacy, pioneering It exists solely to celebrate the rich heritage of the Arkansas Delta. The following counties are in Zone 10 of Arkansas Game & Fish Commission. The first time you log in to our catalog you will need to create an account. Prairie Creek flows through the center of the natural area. Check your local ranger district for more information about local restriction. 141 Cherry Street Trapnall Hall is an ideal setting for business meetings, luncheons, dinners, weddings, receptions, reunions, parties and much more. We must be part not only of the human community, but of the whole community; we must acknowledge some sort of oneness, not only with our neighbors, our countrymen and our civilization, but also with nature. State wildlife management area, 16,000 acres of diverse woodlands, accessible to horse trailers through the Zeb entrance. many of the most important events in Arkansas history. But no matter what we come to do, we all arrive with one main thought in mind: to escape. These designated areas are set aside by the Commission and distinguished by certain markers. Special thanks to the Department of Arkansas Heritage. Drawn by tractor, it built low levees in a fraction of the time that conventional earth-moving equipment could do the same job, and Ed Gordon/Point Removes duck habitat multiplied. Major support provided through a partnership with the Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism. Go to General WMA Regulations for information that applies to all WMAs. With more than 200 years of Arkansas history available at the Arkansas State Archives, we From trailheads in the high country, to state parks, county parks, bridle trails, and wilderness areas, we've got your trail ride listed. Ed Gordon/Point Remove WMA The simple beauty can provide pleasure and inspiration. 72201. Arkansas hunters and outdoor enthusiasts are fortunate in that we have nearly 100 Game Land and Refuges available with public access for hunting and other outdoor related sports. For more information, contact 501-918-3025 Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Historical Weather. The third type of wildlife management areas are leased lands. In our wildlife management areas, those connections are easily found. Also referred to as the Choctaw Island WMA. All counties are represented except Boone, Chicot, Crittenden, Dallas, Fulton, Grant, Jackson, Lincoln, and St. Francis County. 66 Eastern Meadowlark 2. Camping is limited to no more than 14 consecutive days. The department implements programs to promote fishing and hunting for tribal citizens, including annual draw hunts at the Sequoyah Hunting preserve. The gently rolling terrain of Grandview is suitable for walking short, moderate, or lengthy distances, with extensive wildlife viewing opportunities. On Dec. 26, a 15-year-old walked away from his home near the Zeb entrance of Cherokee Wildlife Management Area. This property is about 8 miles from Ash Flat down highway 354 and within just a few miles from Harold Alexander Wildlife . Delta region unique. When a tribute gift is given the honoree will receive a letter acknowledging your generosity and a bookplate will be placed in a book. and visual artists in achieving standards of professional excellence. Internal Number: 57327. Since 1833, when construction began, the building and its grounds have It also supports a number of plant and animal species that are now considered rare, or even endangered. Beautiful 28.2-acre tract of cleared, pasture, land. Creating the Natural State: Outsiders, Insiders, and the Buffalo National River. Ozark Historical Review 35 (2006, pp. For other nuisance wildlife questions, consult our page on Human-Wildlife Conflicts. Creating an account gives you access to all these features. and learn U.S. Living History Saturdays in March: Ho for the Diggings! The Arkansas Game & Fish Commission oversees these Wildlife Management Areas. The natural area contains a diverse array of forb species (herbaceous species other than grasses) including compass plant, purple prairie clover, and Indian paintbrush. Following World War II, sportsmen of the state clamored for two goalsmore public land for hunting and more public waters for fishing. . Acreage 97.28 Acres +/-. Cleburne, Conway, Independence, Logan, Pope, Scott, Stone, Van Buren. Arkansas is as unique and varied as the people who call it home. For additional information: CWD regulations applyin Independence, Logan, Pope, Scott, Stone and Van Buren counties. Area Notes Andrew L. Currie, Hatchery Manager. The most recent addition to the system was the 989-acre Stone Prairie WMA bordering the Camp Robinson Special Use Area in Faulkner County. Click links below for more information: Amphibian Diversity Hellbender, Click links below for more information: Bird Diversity Ruffed Grouse Wild Turkey, Click links below for more information: Aquatic Diversity Brook Trout Sicklefin Redhorse, Click links below for more information: American Black Bear Bat Diversity Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel Coyote Elk Wild Hog White-tailed Deer, Click links below for more information: Management. Contact Cherokee Wildlife Management Area Cleveland, Arkansas 72030 Toll Free: 877-967-7577 Email Cherokee Wildlife Management Area Visit Website Service Area Statewide service provider in: Arkansas Create an Account to make additions or corrections to your profile. If you can, provide 1-2 sources of information backing up this correction. and small game animals. This gorgeous property is located just 3 miles from town and 1/2 mile from Highway . New business seminar series offered in Spanish, English, AAC Highlights Arts During Tourism Conference, Arkansas Living Treasure Program Celebrates States Folk Arts and Traditional Crafts, Historic Gravestone Iconography or Symbolism in Five Little Rock Cemeteries, 2021 Historic Preservation Restoration Grant Applications, Volunteer Keesling assists the ANHC with rare plant species, Speaker names Gillam to commission; reappoints two others, Workshop brings a claws-on approach to learning, Black History Commission of Arkansas awards three Curtis H. Sykes Grants, Summer Internship Opportunity at SARA for 2023. Under an agreement with the USDA Forest Service and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) the Forest is managed cooperatively as a Wildlife Management Area Region 3 and Region 4 (WMA). Wildlife Management Areas - Encyclopedia of Arkansas For additional information: Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Wildlife Management Areas East Tennessee Region 4 North Cherokee WMA North Cherokee WMA. Just north of the tiny town of Columbus (Hempstead County), Grandview is a smorgasbord of opportunities for wildlife and nature viewing, fishing, and history exploration, with educational facilities attracting people interested in birds, butterflies, and wildflowers. Grandview Prairie was the first major AGFC acquisition after Arkansas voters in November 1996 approved Amendment 75, the conservation sales tax. Many of the states other management areas Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Dave Donaldson/Black River, Sheffield Nelson Dagmar, Big Lake, Bell Slough, Earl Buss Bayou de View and Seven Devils, to name just a few were also established primarily to conserve internationally important habitat for wintering waterfowl. Each WMA is considered a separate zone with regard to wildlife regulations. Campsites are undeveloped and available on a first come/ first serve basis. Grandviews staff can tailor lectures and displays to a groups requests. best, and last, remaining examples of the states original natural This jurisdiction was established more than 180 years ago, when the Cherokee Nation was relocated to Indian Territory, in present-day Oklahoma. Some portions may be closed at times for maintenance and other work, and there are fees for quota deer hunts on a number of WMAs as well as leased-land WMAs. Backpackers and day hikers will find many WMA trails to explore. Nonhunters camping with a permit holder do not need to have a permit while camping. Includes 3,500 acres (Olds Foundation) added in 2018. To respect property rights and avoid trespass, always consult AGFC's Code of Regulations in addition to official surveys and other recorded land instruments, and adhere to the boundary signs and other on-site indicators. Plantings for doves include brown-top millet. 433. Arkansas abounds with culture and creativity. This is a list of Wildlife Management Areas in Arkansas. By using our website you are consenting to our use of cookies in accordance with our privacy policy. They run through secluded forests, suburban roadside areas and even through downtown Cherokee. On the North Woods and Tyler Areas non-specificpermits entitled the holder to hunt all game duringopen season. Replies 20 Views 922. Bear Muzzleloader: Oct. 15-23, 2022 The Mosaic Templars Cultural Center invites you to explore Arkansas's Read more, Sandwiching in History: Daisy Bates House, Since 1973, the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission (ANHC) has been working to conserve Arkansass natural landscape. Your own entrance to the Arkansas Game and Fish Cherokee Wildlife Management Area! If state and national parks are Arkansas crown jewels, then the wildlife management areas are her uncut gems. After January 1, 2022, the Cherokee Nation Game and Fish Code (Title 29) will continue to apply within the Cherokee Nation reservation boundaries. Read more. Game Warden: (918) 625-4873, (918) 625-4691. Includes 610 acres of bald cypress/water tupelo swamps along, 3,600 new acres to be added in 2018 and 2019. cowhunter71; Apr 7 . witnessed All Rights Reserved. Associated Press text, photo, graphic, audio and/or video material shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium. Learning Series & Artistas Haciendo Negocio, English/Online Version: GetSmART! The management area is about 17,652 mountainous acres. Management & Training Corporation (10) MasterCard (10) Mindshare USA, LLC (10) Naval Education and Training Command (10) New York Life Insurance Co (10) Outagamie County (10) PVH Corp. (10) Pacific Air Forces (10) PeaceHealth (10) Penn Foster (10) Penn Medicine (10) RSM US LLP (10) Related Management Company (10) Ricoh Americas Corporation (10) By 376jok. What is a State Wildlife Area? The allure of fishing also draws many folks to the states WMAs. Cherokee Village is a city in Fulton and Sharp counties in the U.S. state of Arkansas. BRANDING AND WEB DESIGN BY INSIGHT MARKETING, If you are having wildlife issues on your property such as bees, snakes, birds, bats, squirrels, skunks, rats, coyote, etc., contact our office at, For other nuisance wildlife questions, consult our page on. Deer Muzzleloader:Oct. 15-23, 2022and Dec. 10-12, 2022 The Arkansas State Archives offers limited research services to our patrons who cannot make it to one of our three locations. Cherokee GMA & PHA Map Cherokee GMA & PHA Map WMA Legend wildlife and their habitats while promoting sustainable use, public understanding and support. Cherokee Nation Wildlife Conservation Department is tasked with the preservation of wildlife across the reservation. Grandviews conservation education center, originally a building devoted to other purposes but remodeled in 1997, is used by a variety of groups, from college field trips to school science classes, scout troops, AGFC workshops, church functions, and even family reunions. The Pittman-Robertson Act, administered by the U.S. All rights reserved. No limit. Included are 10 WMAs Big Timber, Casey Jones, Cherokee, Gum Flats, Howard County, Jack Mountain, Jim Kress, Lafayette County, Lake Greeson and Provo covering 283,863 acres. 223 Cherry Street We stock over 250,000 trout per year on the Qualla Boundary to provide the most accessible and productive fishing destination. Additional support provided by the Arkansas Humanities Council. Wildlife Management Area Map: Cherokee WMA (10 of 10) Area 10: Scott County, Sebastian County: Wildlife Management Area Map: Cherokee WMA (1 of 10) Area 1: Cleburne County, Independence County: Wildlife Management Area Map: Cherokee WMA (2 of 10) Area 2: Cleburne County, Stone County: Wildlife Management Area Map: Cherokee WMA (3 of 10) Area 3 . Blackwell Bottoms, as it was called at the time, went into public ownership as the first large North American Waterfowl Conservation Act (NAWCA) project in Arkansas. Camping is limited to no more than 14 consecutive days. With more than 100 wildlife management areas spanning thousands of acres, the AGFC offers nearly every Arkansan ample opportunity to enjoy the outdoors close to home. The Buffalo River below is the nations first National River and if you look in the right direction you can see Missouri. The WMA system encompasses 3,195,875 acres of the state, including tracts owned outright by the AGFC, cooperative areas, and leased lands. For Rent: 900 - Residential, 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,744 sqft at 16 Akokisa Drive in Cherokee Village. Sector: Recreation. The WMA joins the Moro Big Pine WMA and the Warren Prairie Natural Area WMA having colonies of. AGFC personnel have made major improvements on Gene Rush in wildlife habitat. Cherokee Wildlife Management Area - Tahlequah, Oklahoma A very primitive camping location within a 31,000+ acre wildlife management area intended for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. Natural rainfall and runoff are diverted, slowed, redirected, and channeled for the improvement of wildlife habitat. As of 2008, there are sixty-two wildlife openingsthat is, manmade clearings used to encourage vegetation available to wildlifeand food plots totaling 400 acres. Bayou Meto was the AGFCs first WMA. Habitat varies from upland hardwood, mixed pine/hardwood, to pine. Wildlife Management Areas. Mourning, White-Winged and Eurasian Collared-Dove, Arkansas Waterfowl Rice Incentive Conservation Enhancement (WRICE), Natural State Landowner Conservation Awards, Endangered Species and Other Threats to Wildlife, Gov. I work as the site manager to include resource management, planning and development, procurement practices . Bear Modern Gun: Nov. 12-30, 2022 The town of Cherokee Village, AR was the first planned recreational community in the state, founded by Arkansas developer John Cooper in 1954 on the banks of the South Fork River. Rate and review titles you borrow and share your opinions on them. As you may be aware, Governor Kevin Stitt has rejected any extension of the existing hunting and fishing compact between the Cherokee Nation and the State of Oklahoma. the story of a land and its people, capturing what makes the Arkansas Duck Hunting/Waterfowl Hunting The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program identifies, evaluates, registers, and preserves the states historic and cultural resources and seeks to instill a preservation ethic in future generations of Arkansans. funding for About 8,400 acres can be flooded. Helena, Arkansas 72342, Historic Arkansas Museum is a favorite for teachers looking for professional development hours. programming that encourages and assists literary, performing CWD regulations applyin Independence, Logan, Pope, Scott, Stone and Van Buren counties. All Rights Reserved. Arkansas Hunting Regulations There are 17 WMA's in Counties A - E. Beryl Anthony/Lower Ouachita - 7,020 acres in Ashley and union Counties, map. This colorful assortment is all a part of the Division of Arkansas Heritage. The call was answered in Arkansas with two immense projectsBayou Meto WMA and Lake Conway. It is a system of creeks, sloughs, ditches, backwaters, and drainages partly created by nature and augmented by man. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission offers some of the best hunting and fishing opportunities around. For more information, call 918-931-0432. Neither these AP materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and noncommercial use. Of this 565.32 acres(96.14 percent) is public lands. cherokee wildlife management area arkansasmartin luther on marriage. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission's mission is to conserve and enhance Arkansas's fish and The arts strengthen the economy, drive tourism and business, and improve academic performance. Timber has been marked and thinned. Read more. The EBCI Fisheries & Wildlife Management office is not responsible for the work, any associated fee(s), parts, equipment, products, labor, travel, or damages to persons, pets, children or property under the services provided by third-party service providers. That, in a nutshell, is the reason we have wildlife management areas. The WMA is not a true island but includes the Choctaw Bar Island in the.
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