ASK ABOUT THIS PROPERTY. An application must be submitted to the Commission for any changes to be considered. The Property data comprises Zoning information by aggregating: Signup to uncover more information and search by filters including zones and land uses. Written notification letters must be reviewed and approved by a zoning official prior to being mailed. Accessory buildings (ex. Residential apartments are also available generally located above lower floor commercial use. Chapter 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS. . View the Elementary, Middle and High schools and school zones for the City of Huntsville on an interactive map. Planning Commission of the City of Huntsville. Contact Planning staff to verify property eligibility for annexation. Vehicles parked in driveways must not block sidewalks, where applicable, and must not create an obstruction to visibility. At a minimum of 15 days prior to the hearing, a public notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at the expense of the applicant, stating the time, place, and subject of the public hearing. No claims, promises, or guarantees about the completeness, accuracy, currency, content or quality of information contained in the links to and from this site are made. A Conditional Use application must be filed in the office of the City Clerk (see form here). 25-2. Sec. Apps. Schools Zoned For My Address. Loading. Board of Zoning Adjustment meetings are held in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on thethird Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Zoom in. *Complete requirements/details found in Title 14 (page 144) of our city code; click here to view or print. The City of Huntsville Data Depot assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information contained in the site or the operation of the site. May '23. The Board may impose conditions in the granting of a variance to insure compliance and to protect adjacent property. HSV Data Portal. The information contained in these data is dynamic and may change over time. Annexation process, procedures and application. Flood Insurance Rates. Menu. Health Inspections. Submit Request. It includes permitted uses and conditional uses within each zoning district. The Zoning Map for the City of Huntsville in Alabama divides the citys real estate into zones based on land use and building regulations. Must not exceed 12 in height, measured from highest point for residential. Maps of the City of Huntsville, Alabama, the following regulations shall apply: 22.1 - Uses Permitted. Don't forget to come see us in person at the Visitor Center while you're here. If the appellant has power of attorney to apply and appear on behalf of the owner, lessee, or purchaser of the property, the appellant must also submit a copy of the recorded deed, a copy of the lease agreement and recorded deed, or a copy of the purchase agreement and recorded deed in conjunction with the power of attorney document. The county in which the subdivision is located. Ordinance 2019-3 changed the square footage minimum requirements from minimum of 24x24 to now read 576 sq. Athens and Limestone County offer a community rich in Southern tradition, which is poised for tremendous future growth. Contact. The county commission of the county in which the subdivision is located. Applications may be returned in person or mailed to: City Clerks OfficePO Box 549Huntsville, AR 72740. Inoperable definition: engine or motor is inoperable, any wheel(s) removed, flats on 2 or more tires, major components are missing, vehicle does not have a current AR registration. For Sale: 3 beds, 1.5 baths 1368 sq. Madison County . The terms and conditions of use, as well as the content of the website, are subject to change at any time without prior notice. No appointment is needed. Maps Accommodations Map See More Downtown Map See More For Visitors Destination Guide See More Use zoning map above to determine your zone. The findings of the Commission must be subsequently approved by the City Council. ft of heated and enclosed living space. *See more information on application found below. *Complete requirements/details found in Title 14 (page 141) of our city code; click here to view or print. Find directions to Huntsville, browse local businesses, landmarks, get current traffic estimates, road conditions, and more. Fire Stations and Districts. *See Title 14, pages 159-160 of our city code for complete regulations HERE. Also, the purchase agreement must not expire prior to the Board of Zoning Adjustment Meeting and must be contingent upon Board of Zoning Adjustment approval. View plans and guidelines for Huntsville City sidewalks, Regulations, process, checklist for approval and permitting, Zoning information, annexation or rezoning, variance or special exception, meeting schedules and agendas, signage criteria, arts & entertainment districts, (256) 427-5000Huntsville City Hall308 Fountain CircleHuntsville, Alabama 35801. Board of Adjustments & Appeals. Within a Neighborhood Business C-2 District as shown on the official Zoning. State law provides two methods by which cities can annex property that is contiguous with its existing limits: The City of Huntsville primarily uses the latter method, which requires the following procedure: The property owner presents the Planning staff a copy of the recorded deed for the property to be annexed as well as deeds for any parcels of land previously sold from the tract, and a plat of the property if available. See complete list on page 20 of zoning code, See page 18 of zoning code for a more complete list. District 4 Council Member Bill Kling will hold drop-in public office hours in meeting room A of the Huntsville-Madison County Public Librarys downtown branch from 6-7 p.m. Monday, March 20. City Council Districts. County. For this level of detail, supervision and certification of the produced data by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor for the State of Texas would have to be performed. Use of the GIS Data Depot signifies your agreement with its terms and conditions of use. Address: Zoning Enforcement Office. On corner lots at intersecting two-way-streets, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow that will impede vision between 2 and 8 above curb grade. If the appellant has a lease agreement for 2 years or more, the lessee has legal standing to request a variance/special exception as owner of the subject property. Unit/Apt/Suite. HUNTSVILLE, Ala. ( WHNT) Residents of the Jones Valley area of Huntsville are not pleased with plans for a new apartment complex to be built at the . Data Links. There shall be no permit fee charged for temporary signs or banners, or for churches, synagogues, and/or 501(c)(3) qualified organizations. - IN GENERAL Sec. Switch to a Google Earth view for the detailed virtual globe and 3D buildings in many major cities worldwide. Including permitted land uses, rezonings, variances, density controls, built form controls, envelopes, housing supply data, employment generation, underutilized parcels, short term rental permissibility, proponents and developers. Chapter 4 - AMUSEMENTS AND ENTERTAINMENTS. This district is intended for single and multi-family dwellings, not to exceed 12 units per acre. Traditional siding and roofing materials customarily used in home construction are required (see exact details in Title 14, pg 153, below). During the event, learn about National Children's Advocacy Center and how it's working with the Huntsville Police Department. You can use the interactive Town of Huntsville Map (TOHM) Map to find out the precinct on a property and land use schedules. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. The City of Huntsville, Texas or its employees gives NO warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data. AL 35976 Tel:(256) 571-7560 Fax: (256) 571-7578 Hours: 8:00AM-4:30PM Mon-Fri Huntsville City Building and Construction Services GIS Maps View Huntsville City Building and Construction Services Geographic Information Systems webpage, including the types of data presented. City of Huntsville Zoning Districts Map. This district is intended for the more intensive industries, and those manufacturing facilities making products from raw materials. Each principal structure is to be a minimum of 1000 sq. LICENSE DEPARTMENT. A non-refundable fee of $50 is required for each application before it will be considered by the Commission. Agendas will be posted below at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. No copies or e signatures accepted. The Planning Commission also serves as the Board of Zoning Adjustment. The City of Huntsville GIS Data Depot makes no warranties, express or implied, or representations as to the accuracy of content on this site. Fences designed to be painted or have other surface finishes shall be maintained in their original condition. *For complete requirements/details see pages 136-137 of city code; click here to view or print. Multi-purpose 2.5 acre lot near the intersection of Shields Road and Jordan Road minutes from downtown Huntsville, Starbucks, Wal-Mart and other major retailers. The Zoning Map of your property is obtained at the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Department located at 200 West Side Square SW, unit 700. The applicant or official representative must be present at the meeting in order to answer questions the Commission members or interested parties may have. *Complete requirements/details found in Title 14 (pages 142-143) of our city code; click here to view or print. These changes are in effect, but have not been officially updated in PDF format until codified by the State. District 4 Council Member Bill Kling will hold drop-in public office hours in meeting room A of the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library's downtown branch from 6-7 p.m. Monday, March 20. Until that time, updates appear in highlighted form in PDF version. For Sale: 3 beds, 2 baths 1501 sq. ft., provided all setbacks can be met and adequate sanitary facilities exist. You assume all risks associated with the use of this site including any risk of your computer, software or data being damaged by a virus, software, or any other files which . Huntsville City Limits. Please . No parking shall be allowed in front yard areas of a residence. A hardship letter addressed to the Board of Zoning Adjustment explaining the physical hardship that exists on the property. At a minimum of 15 days prior to the hearing, a public notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at the expense of the applicant, stating the time, place, and subject of the public hearing. Food Handler & Manager Certification. In order to petition for annexation with the City of Huntsville, the applicant must complete the following: Report a problem or submit a service request using Huntsville Connect, (256) 427-5000Huntsville City Hall308 Fountain CircleHuntsville, Alabama 35801, Annexation Application for Legally Authorized Representatives, by petition of the owners of all the land proposed for annexation. Find local businesses and nearby restaurants, see local traffic and road conditions. The City of Huntsville Data Depot assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information contained in the site or the operation of the site. Shall not be parked in a manner to be a vehicular hazard. The applications may be printed below or obtained in the office of the City Clerk. 256-236-3422;; 4309 McClellan Boulevard Anniston, Alabama 36206 ; P.O. At a minimum of 15 days prior to the hearing, a public notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at the expense of the applicant, stating the time, place, and subject of the public hearing. Must be 10 feet away from principal structure. The following information must be submitted to the City Clerks office, along with a $50 application fee. For details about zoning within the city limits of Guntersville click on the links to download a PDF map. permitted uses, maximum building height, maximum floor area ratio etc. ft. of enclosed and heated living space and shall be on a permanent foundation.
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