They have a dense coat with hair in their ears and a heavy tail switch. The Schlutzes move salt and minerals with the cows and have multiple ponds on the farm that ensure a water source in every paddock. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. - Itozurudoi 296T is a 10 star bull for marbling and tenderness and a 7 star bull for feed efficiency. Negotiator 590C is a direct son out of the Triple Crown winning Broker, and out of the very popular donor for Ryan Cattle Company HPRP Dianna T090 "Nikki". - He is very easy fleshing and consistently passes his doability onto his progeny. Belt Driven. As mentioned, Corriente cattle are proficient jumpers and are also very strong, which is why theyre targeted for team roping and bulldogging events in particular. It is called Criollo or Chinampo cows. Raising a cow the right way is a big job. - This powerful, long bodied, big flat topped bull is loaded with muscle. - Dam is dun and very curly. - Red Rock will tone down frame size and his progeny will work well in tough country. - Crossfire excels in muscle shape, a big ribeye and depth of body, - Grand Champion Shorthorn Plus bull at the 2017 National Western Stock Show. She zeroed in on me and charged, Rick says. - New Day Duke is an industry out-cross bull you can use with confidence! - Harvest 0009 achieves a rank among the breeds top 35% or better for 12 EPD/Indexes. I remember I could hardly breathe, and I pushed to get off the horn. This unique breed differs greatly in conformation, behavior, and hardiness from cattle raised only for meat. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2013, and my LDL [low-density lipoprotein, often called the bad cholesterol] was 207. Corriente beef is known to be tender. Put some 547 in the tank and let him show you what it is the Angus breed has been so coveted for over the last few decades. He caps off his value with one of the finest dispositions and character that can be found in any animal. Study examines impact of beer sales in Colorado, Quick Takes: Cover crop program, Iowa Pork leaders, scholarships and more, 2023 meat production expected to decline 1%. Dont get too closeThe cows do fight. These cattle were hardy breeds chosen especially to withstand the ocean crossing and adapt to their new land. 1 3yr red/white corriente/longhorn cross heifer, $900, open. [1] The average birth weight in babies of European & African descent is 3.5 kilograms (7.7 lb), with the normative range between 2.5 and 4.0 kilograms (5.5 and 8.8 lb). You could estimate weight using a heart-girth tape. - Harvest 0009 should sire easy calving, easy fleshing, daughters and high performing sons. The correlation between cows in the same breed definitely - Top 2% PAP (the environmental adaptability of cattle living in mountain areas), - Top 10% for Marbling, Rib Eye Area, Scrotal Size & Docile Dispositions, - Top 15% HP & CEM (Daughter first calf breeding back; first calf daughter calving ease), - Top 15% in breed in $C (Combined maternal & beef value), - Top 20% $M (Maternal weaned calf value) & $B (Beef value), -Semen price: $25 per straw; please inquire for commercial volume discounts, -Certificate price: $30 per certificate (Please call regarding certificates). - Kasper is a well mannered White Bull from the NW. It has good implantation of an udder, medium development and good disposition of its rooms. FRESH ROPING CORRIENTE BULL ropers, QUALITY, full blood, intact bull calves. 80 Percent of his sires sons have graded A5 the highest given grade in Japan. His dam has produced four calves; two promotional bulls and two heifers that will not leave the Sojka herd. The Schlutzes were team ropers when Marshal returned to the farm after college. Ive never seen them hurt each other badly, but theyre athletes, and they fight viciously. - He is a beautiful Silver color, has a nice top line, great feet. The American Angus Association looked at the average weaning weight ratio (at 205 days) of these daughters' calves. - Red Rock is a calving ease bull that will not sacrifice performance. - Semen price: $25 per straw ($20 per straw when you purchase 25 or more), - He has great DNA, Ultrasound and Linear Measurement Scores, - He has above average numbers for tenderness and carcass quality, - Semen price: $15 per straw ($12 per straw if you order 30 or more straws), Serving the cattle industry for over 38 years, Sire: Upland Haven Pomme Paul; ADCA Reg#: C2874, Sire: Sac Valleys Sir Tucker ACD# 024653, Sire: Applejack Spartan Charles (Charlie) ADCA No: 031955, Sire: Applejack Spartan Charles (Charlie) ADCA No: 031955, Sire: Rocking Robins Tristan (MCBR - 4721), Sire: Jewells Little General (MCBR- 5808). My doctor wanted to put me on cholesterol-reducing medicine, but I wanted to try eating this meat exclusively instead. The Corriente cattle are animals that are very hardy and strong. The Corriente cattle breed are an extremely hardy little breed of cattle that have been known to let themselves out of their pens or pastures. 395. We may earn a commission after clicking links on the site before making a purchase. - He has a gentle disposition as a herd sire. You dont want to be close to them when they fight, Rick says. Correlations range from +1.0 to -1.0. Birth Weight EPD (BW) The expected difference in . milk EPD, has 73 daughters in production who have produced 131 calves. - Duff is a Pacific Northwest bred bull with a fantastic disposition who passes on good feet and udder genetics to his daughters. Chromosomal regions harboring variation affecting cattle birth weight and BW gain to 1 yr of age were identified by marker association using the highly parallel BovineSNP50 BeadChip (50K) assay composed of 54,001 individual SNP. Angus is the Business Breed and GUAPO isBusiness with CONCEPTION to CALVING to GROWTH to CARCASS. coefficients between birthweight, expressed as percent of cow weight, and dystocia score were .41 for Angus, .30 for Herford and .24 for Charolais, indicating that some dystocia 5. . At the same time, birth weight is highly correlated and . These tapes for cattle are available in animal-supply magazines, such as Wiggins & Associates Inc. Totally understand that you have a busy life and not able to keep eye on the heifers. The Texas Longhorn bull with the widest horns (tip-to-tip measurement) was Superbowl, at 76". Stems from the same no miss Valee family. 2047 ranks in the Hereford breed EPDs top 8% Birth wt., top 1% Calving Ease Direct, top 15% Wean wt., top 3% Milk, and top 10% Ribeye. Browse a wide selection of Cattle for sale in CLAREMORE, OKLAHOMA at, the leading site to buy and sell Cattle online. Copyright 2023. after a drought in the late 90"s i had to sell my beef cows. Purchase Cattle. - Matt Duckett, - Semen price (Registered): $30 per straw, - Semen price (Commercial): $20 per straw, He is as about correct as they can be made. For instance, an 80-pound birth weight from a first-calf heifer compared to an 80-pound birth weight in a set of mature cows could be many ratio points apart. Thanks for visiting our site, lets make this world a better place to live. Now, its indistinguishable. Thanks again DeBruycker Charolais. His heifers mature early and have excellent milk. - His offspring show excellent growth, muscle expression and eye appeal. Schlutz says his biggest concern is the susceptibility of these cattle to pneumonia in a northern climate, so he keeps a close eye on them for that reason. This scale crushing type bull is sired by a Denver champion out of a recent Denver division champion mother. Beef Cuts On A Cow: A Guide For Home Butchering. He will make an excellent out cross for Tajimaand Kedaka Wagyu cattle. 296T will add size with out sacrificing marbling and calving ease. - You will be hard-pressed to find an Angus bull with balanced numbers like High Prime 4037, - High Prime 4037s progeny are proving to have excellent dispositions, excellent fleshing ability and fertility, - Dam of High Prime is inbred 5 times, it is no accident that his calves are so consistent, - Combines carcass genetics of breed greats, such as New Design 036 and Future Direction, with the performance of proven genetics of Scotch Cap and Power Play, - High Prime 4037 is definitely a bull to use to meet the future challenges or the livestock business, - Certificate price: $35 per certificate(Please call regarding certificates), - Packer 547 covers all the bases. Thank you for your feedback. Their bodies are usually very neat and almost look as if they have been sculpted with a fine smooth neck that hardly if ever has a tight dewlap, a straight well-defined profile with perky medium sized ears and perfectly symmetrical horns. Its a common misconception that meat cant be tender in 3- and 4-year-old cows or steers. -WS Renown is moderately framed, big hipped, big footed and soundly structured. Burwell is the bull you have been looking for. Corrientes remain untainted by the manipulative animal husbandry which has affected and weakened many domestic animals. With these traits, they are ideally suited to the sport of rodeo. They are also excellent for cutting, sorting, and breakaway roping. Corriente cattle benefits Cattle are creatures that are multipurpose. - Only shown in three shows due to Covid 19 with 2 Grand Champions and 1 Reserve Grand placings. He has great flex on his pasterns and moves free and easy. Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC. All of our producers are listed below and are part of any beef marketing for the NACA, and have exclusive use of our official NACA trademark/logo on the packaging. "We have Weighmaker calves on the ground. If you would like to be part of our Corriente Lean Beef Program, please click on the "Apply Now" button to fill out the membership form. They do well in open-range environments and are excellent foragers, They need less water than breeds of a similar size, Natural resistance to parasites and diseases which saves money on vet bills and lowers loss, Corriente cattle, unlike most modern beef cattle, have no known health issues or genetic issues, Good starter cattle for new cattlemen as they are easy to tame with proper treatment. 1 6yr black/white corriente cow, $900, open, had nice bull calf last year, tipped. The Corriente Cattle registry provides tailored services & innovative programs dedicated to the. An informative video on the unique Corriente breed of cattle from the North American Corriente Association, the official Corriente Breed Registry in North America. Its tail insertion is high and advanced, which determines a greater width of the birth canal. Corrientes are fairly small cattle, with cows averaging well under 1,000 pounds (450 kg). The Corriente cows are a multipurpose breed that descended from Spanish cows brought to the Americas from the 15th century. Cattle are smallish animals and the two bulls and cows usually have horns. This powerful, top prospect from VanNewkirk Herefords represents some of the leading, proven genetics in the Hereford breed siring light birth wts., rapid growth, and high carcass value. Breeders appreciate how independent and low-maintenance Corrientes are, and particularly their sporting abilities. - Get of Sire - 3rd place 2007 Pacific Northwest Corriente Association show and 2007 Southwest Corriente Association show. Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is a manufactured or synthetic hormone that dairy farmers use to increase milk production in cows. - He is a great choice if you want to add some white color to your fold. Home. He is especially thick through the stiffle and into the twist. Straight up productive range cattle, unspoiled by over-domestication problems that hobble larger, heavier, modern beef animals. A calving ease bull, GUAPO has the conformation (phenotype) and genomic performancethat is highly desired in the Angus breed. Search our database of over 12348 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Other and European cattle were introduced into the Americas. I keep the f1 replacements and cross again with Charolais giving me a meaty and marketable calf. Population/Distribution/Habitat Corriente beef has close to 50% less fat and lower cholesterol than most contemporary meat production breeds which makes it healthier than most other red meat. You don't have a neighbor that would let you drop a few heifers off in their pasture. Heifers have early maturation, reaching puberty a few weeks sooner than other breeds. It's best to start with having a trusted butcher prepare the first one or two animals you slaughter before you take over. - The sire to Itozurudoi 296T beat one of the highest marbling bulls in the U.S. in every statistical category of comparison in fullblood Wagyu carcasses. weaning weight - birth weight. Beef low in cholesterolCorriente beef is 92% lean and low in cholesterol, Rick says. What impact would a recession have on farming. Extra thick, structurally correct and good footed, Semen price: $50 per straw (4 straw minimum), -- Certificate price: $100 per certificate(Please call regarding certificates). Their horns are very long and straightened up. Birth weight is a trait that is easily measured, and is relatively high in heritability (.30-.40) suggesting that selection for lower birth weights is attainable as a means to reduce calving difficulty. Corriente cattle can be any colour except solid white, many of this breed are black. I think you see the pattern. Corriente Cattle Advantages Cows are creatures that are multipurpose. Corriente Cattle produce a lean beef that is surprising for a red meat. Marshall tapped him on the nose to move him away. Corriente is a term that means "common cattle" or "cattle of the country." Today, most Corriente are raised as sport cattle. Theyre not immune to any disease, but theyre resistant to about every disease.. If you want a great show steer, heifer or a breeding animal he has it all. - 2018 Utah State Fair Reserve Champion at 15 months old, - Certificate price: $50 per certificate (Please call regarding certificates), - First sired bull calf "Hank" born in March 2022, - First sired heifer calf "Mercy" born in November 2022, -Certificate price: $50 per certificate (Please call regarding certificates), - JA Spur is an excellent Miniature Jersey bull, - Spurs offspring will be small with good conformation, Semen prices: $45 per straw ($35 per straw if you order 20 or more straws), Semen prices: $65 per straw ($50 per straw if you order6 or more straws). First of all, you have to purchase very good quality, strong and hardy animals for starting your Corriente cattle farming business. They have been employed for milk, milk and a draft animal. Retail price for hamburger is about $6 a pound. He is big backed, full bodied, thick through the lion, clean fronted, well balanced and moves like a cat. He and his wife, Julie, and my wife, Kathy, and I started selling and leasing the calves to folks from southeast Kansas, almost to Minnesota, and across Iowa, and before long we didnt have time to rope anymore.. - He comes from strong maternal and paternal backgrounds, - He puts together many great quality traits, Semen price: $80 per straw (10 straws for $600), Pictured below are some pictures of Festuss calves. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2013, and my LDL [low-density lipoprotein, often called the bad cholesterol] was 207. Characteristics of Corriente Cattle The average cow weighs between 400 and 440 kg, and its body is angular in shape. His sire was from Arkansas and was brought out to the west to establish red and white galloways in the intermountain area, Extremely thick bull that is very well marked, Has been DNA tested to carry the red and white genes, He has been found to be one of the best young bulls tested for virility, - Hard to find high percentage homozygous Black Hereford. $600-$650 Roping Cattle: Longhorn Pairs Texas Longhorn pairs 5 pairs have 4 to 5 month old longhorn calves and possibly bred back to Charolais bull-. The bull just stood there quivering afterward. But now they're primarily utilized for rodeo events like the team as game cows. We dont mind weeds, Rick says. This top selling 3027 son from Strang Herefords selected for his exceptional calving ease, performance, milk and carcass traits. Call Gerald (660)562-9107 or Jerry (660 . They stay in a paddock for eight to 10 days; then theyre ready to move themselves to a fresh one. And the typical bodyweight of the bulls is around 500 kg. Which Ones? Twenty-two 17-month (cohort 1) steers [10 RC (RC1) and 12 CR (CR1)] were weighed every 60 d between December 2015 and January 2017 and eighteen 8-month (cohort 2) steers [11 RC (RC2) and 7 CR. IWG 279G "Satoshi" is a well-balanced, full-blood black Waygu bull that will provide excellent F1 calves when crossed with Angus cows or heifers. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. If you would like to be included, please go to the contact page to be added! He has routinely settled 50 cows in each annual breeding season. He will need to hold his Simmental calves over another winter, slaughtering them when they reaches about 1400 lbs at around 24-26 months of age. The cows on weight beneath 450 kg. The Corriente is a small, agile, athletic animal with stamina, heavy horns, and a gentle disposition. Pet Keen is reader-supported. He passes on this excellent temperament to his calves. They were previously used for milk, meat and as a draft animal. The Ayrshire cattle breed is a really pretty breed with red and white markings on their body. They are lean, athletic, and have long upcurving horns. Producers who evaluate growth traits should adjust weaning weights to account for the sex of the calf, age of the dam, birth weight, and weaning weight. Cattle producers Rick Schlutz and son Marshal dont grow any corn on their 430-acre farm near Russell in southern Iowa. Corriente cattle are the descendants of Spanish cattle dating back to the 15th century that were imported into the US. RBGH: What Is It And Why Is It Given To Cows? 50 to choose from low birth weight great for heifers $850 . They also dont require as much food as some other cattle breeds and arent picky eaters. - RF has a nice beefy conformation, has a very easy-going personality, and is fertile. I told Marshal not to move, and the bull relaxed and walked away.. Corriente / Longhorn cross cows - $550 There are 140 hd (70 pairs & 70 bred cows). About Us. We're glad this was helpful. It is not the same for all cattle even from the same breed. Marshal attended Oklahoma Panhandle State University on a rodeo scholarship, traveling the country, Rick says. Negotiator is loose structured, big boned, tremendous hair, and carries a huge sweeping rib cage. Schlutz says the Corriente cattle are athletes; it isnt until they have completed the competitions that they butcher the cattle, at 800 to 900 pounds, the full size of the cows. Marshals incident happened one day as a bucket-raised bull was standing near us, as we were drawing up plans. 87.5% Hereford, homozygous black, homozygous polled, We feel that Jo Atomic 8008 might be the best all around bull in the nation, There are not many bulls with his power and thickness with calving ease, Bullseye Jo D411 is the highest selling Black Hereford bull in ABHA history, He combines excellent calving ease with phenomenal growth, 88.5% Black Hereford, Homozygous black, Homozygous polled, Jo Empire Z631 is one of the most consitent bulls we have used, He is the sire of Jo Black Jack 4217 and other amazing sires in the ABHA, 81.25% Black Hereford, Homozygous black, Homozygous Polled, Boom is out of one of our best cow families, He is buit well, move well and is as docile as they come, His calves have a lot of length and structure, 79% Black Hereford, Homozygous black and Homozygous polled, For questions regarding bull please contact Russel Horvey at 403-749-2780, - 2000 Grand Champion Bull (1st place 2 year old bull - 2nd place roping bull), - 2000 SWCA Grand Champion Bull (1st place 2 year old bull), - Durango has excellent horn set, base and mass, - Sired by the famous El Jefe who is renowned for the consistent quality of his offspring. Plus, the Marbling andRibeye to go with it! Sport Breed - This excellent fullblood bull has scores of AA for marbling and 7 out of 10 for tenderness, no recessive genes. The official breed registry in the USA calls the breed just since cattle, also its the most common name in Northern Mexico. 0633 is owned by Rooks Angus, Andrew Schafer, and Spruce Mountain Ranch. - As the first son from Blackcap May 8279, a member of the Angus breeds most valuable set of full siblings, Harvest 0009 earned his stripes with individual ratios of: BW 95; WW 103; YW 105; GR 110; IMF 100; and RE 102. Ricks experience was five years ago with a 3-year-old heifer that had just come back from a Mexican rodeo with a broken tail. - KHH Rustic Ridge Renegade is a beautiful and gentle Registered Scottish Highland Bull. The meat is tender, naturally marbled and juicy, with a unique flavor profile despite having less fat making it a perfect beef production breed. Their beef is significantly leaner than the meat from the majority of other modern beef cattle breeds.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'learnnaturalfarming_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',169,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-learnnaturalfarming_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Names for the breed can vary from place to place. Their heritage of Spanish genetics and 500 years of evolution in the challenging ecology of Mexico have resulted in a strong, lean athletic body. The cor- relation observed in the total population was 0.50, but when differ- ences between breeds were accounted for the correlation was raised to 0.54. Some people like it; some dont. As a mature bull in 2004 he won Reserve Grand Champion Bull at the National NACA show. Fuel Injection. Say No to Chemicals and plastics. Proven calving ease sire with adequate growth, Eye appealing with a look that is passed on to progeny, Sire to the Polled Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf at the 2018 Western States National Hereford Show, Sire to the Reserve Champion Pen of Three Bulls at the 2018 Western States National Hereford Show, -- Certificate price: $75 per certificate(Please call regarding certificates), Sire for added power, length, muscle and compacity in a stylish package, Use PRIME to make excellent baldy females, Stout, big middled, heavy muscled with excellent structure, Excellent cross on club calf mothers to make that purple ribbon calf, -- Certificate price: $40 per certificate(Please call regarding certificates), Pictured below, are some nice calves sired by PRIME, - He was 2nd in calf class at Eastern Idaho State Fair, - His calves have good eye pigment and dark color, - He is approved for a Black Hereford sire. Breeding in Dexter genetics into mini dairy cows and larger breeds of dairy cows has shown improvements on disposition and temperament while maintaining good undder size. corriente cattle. . - 1ST IN CLASS, DIVISION CHAMPION, RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL, 2014 UTAH STATE FAIR. Because it compares the birth weight within a true contemporary group. He comes at you with power from all angles and will certainly add pounds to anyones herd. - He travels straight and easy, with good legs and feet. In the case of birth weight, correlations in the table underscore the fact that birth weight is highly correlated but negatively correlated to calving ease direct. I would go with a solid black Corriente bull (avoid ones with white muzzles). The breed is closely associated with the Florida Cracker and Pineywoods cattle, which are just two cattle strains from the Gulf Coast and Florida. All of our producers are listed below and are part of any beef marketing for the NACA. Negotiator gained a lot of attention himself at the 2015 Illinois State Fair where he was selected as the Reserve Grand Champion percentage Simmental bull. Having both black angus grand sires CA Future Direction and New Design 878 Destination has marveled all who have seen him. The cows on weight under 450 kg. The nearer a relationship is to 1.0 the stronger the relationship is. They are also known as accomplished escape artists, as they can jump a standard barbed-wire weapon and squeeze via fairly smallish openings. They deliver to homes as far away as Des Moines, with regular and return customers. The commercial cattleman knows that the lower birth weight of the calves puts less stress on the mother. - He has tested negative for both Chondro and PHA. REPRODUCTIVE EFFICIENCY TAGS: heterosis, corrientes, long horn . $750 Roping Cattle: Corriente Roping Heifers - For those at a higher altitude and demand a low PAP Ultimate 0663 is a 36 as a 18 month old bull at an elevation of 7200ft. - Semen price: $25 per straw ($20 for 10 or more straws), 4 time Northern International Livestock Expo, For questions regarding bull please contact Russel Horvey at 403-749-2780, - For questions regarding bull please contact Russel Horvey at 403-749-2780, Great for cross breeding small cattle breeds. . They often have a dense coating and a heavy tail change which frequently extends below the hocks. This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Thats what I did, and a year later my LDL was 107. And live body weight of the older bulls is up to 500 kg. - ETJ-5632 776T is a line bred Hirashigetayasu bull. - Semen price: $25 per straw ($20 per straw if you order 20 or more), A sure fire heifer bull, 101Y ranks in the Hereford breed EPDs top 3% for Birth wt., and top 1% for Calving Ease Direct. Learn more. - He has sired several very nice offspring. -2015 Illinois State Fair Reserve Champion Percentage Simmental bull, -2016 Southeast Idaho State Fair Champion Simmental bull, -2016 Utah State Fair Champion Simmental bull, - Backed with maternal calving ease and docility. Weaning weights are typically adjusted to 205 days of age. Destination strides out on a powerful hind leg and huge top. Corriente Beef Performance Corriente Beef He travels well possessing that much body and mass. Heterosis is free money. The mature cows on average weight under 450 kg. If you would like to be included, please go to the contact page to be added! You have to cook it a little differently; you cant overcook it, Rick says. Whether its meat production or visual appeal, JR can put an increase value and higher level of competitiveness in your breeding program. Also, a strong supporter of sustainable farming practices. All black corriente cattle for sale. A small breed compared to many others, Corriente males can weigh up to 1,000 pounds, whereas females weigh slightly less at around 800 pounds. Theyre lean and athletic in appearance. He caps off his value with one of the finest dispositions and character that can be found in any animal. Today they are primarily bred for the extra lean and meat. Marshal and I have both been life-flighted to Des Moines hospitals after being gored. Practically pure descendants of the Spanish cows almost vanished, but a few were able to live with little human care or intervention in remote areas of Central and South America, also in very limited amounts in some regions of the southern United States. Thanks! criollo cattle heritage genetics for arid landscapes.pdf La raa bovina Bruna dels Pirineus s una raa crnia autctona de les rees muntanyoses de Catalunya 2. These characteristics make the Corriente an ideal animal for team roping, bulldogging and an excellent choice for cutting and team penning. Birth weight is the body weight of a baby at its birth. So if a steer weighs around 800 pounds, then he'll need around 20 pounds of hay per day. Graze cattle like goatsOther than supplemental range cubes in the last part of pregnancy, cows feed only on a diverse mix of bromegrass, fescue, red clover, white clover, orchardgrass and weeds. If needed, submit more than one form. Maternal siblings to 8279 are a whos who of the Angus breed and include: Resource, Renown, Recharge, Seedstock, Sensation, Pedigree and Extension. - Good heavy boned, straight legged bull. This is one of the most massive bulls ever to stand at Hoffman AI, - Packer truly has the mass and capacity to sire steers that will wean heavy and make females that will stay in the herd, - To top it all off Packer has a birth wt EPD of +1 allowing him to be mated across the board in your herd, - Bred in one of the most prolific Angus programs in the US.
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