A Morrisville man is accused of killing his girlfriend in a hotel in Falls, according to the Bucks County District Attorney's Office. ALAMOSA The United States Department of Agricultures (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Colorado, in partnership with the Rio Grande Water Conservation District- Special Improvement District #1 (Subdistrict #1) recently announced funding availability to assist producers in addressing issues of drought and aquifer depletions within Subdistrict #1. VALLEY Water is the glue that holds the San Luis Valley together. With deep roots in Conejos County, Nathan Ruybal has undertaken a role of service to the people with whom he grew up. "Our Mission: To promote a community of trust, respect and civility through mutually satisfying campus and community relationships.". Senators Michael Bennet (D) and Cory Gardner (R), with a group of 12 bipartisan colleagues, sent a letter urging the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders to permanently reauthorize and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) before it expires on September 30. For 22 interested in water and environmental issues concerning the San Luis Valley, the 20th annual five-day spring Rio Grande Leaders Course had no shortage of presentation of history and ins-and-outs regarding the local economy and solving the problems. The road to the reservoir in Conejos County where Colorado Parks and Wildlife has authorized a fish salvage is still blocked by snow. Staff Writer. The scholarship was part of the BGCSLV's annual Celebration of Youth breakfast a. Though the raced narrowed, David Broyles will officially be the new City of Alamosa Councilor for Ward 2. Please use the button below to manage your account. ALAMOSA Alan Philp, a spokesperson for the campaign against Amendment 73, was in Alamosa this week sharing details of this initiative and why he and others are in opposition to this measure. We have used your information to see if you have a subscription with us, but did not find one. The parish seat is Houma. Sorry, no promotional deals were found matching that code. Record Searchlight reporter David Benda contributed to this report. ALAMOSA After publishing a request for proposals to redevelop the Rio Grande Motorway Building, the Alamosa County Local Marketing District met with interested parties to go over what they want out of the process Thursday night. Linda Woodward, 73, of La Jara was killed Sunday afternoon in a fiery crash on I-70 near Grand Junction. Colorado Division of Water Resources State Engineer Dick Wolfe tackled the use it or lose it concern during the Rio Grande Basin Ag Producers Water Future Workshop in Alamosa on Tuesday. Hung jury. DEL NORTE On Thursday US Representative Scott Tipton (R-Colorado) spent time at the new Trading Post store located at 505 Grande Avenue, Del Norte. Alamosa County Home Health Clinical Manager Tammy Garcia, center, holds an award with Home Health Administrator Jordan Kemp, County Commissioner Helen Sigmond, County Commissioner Michael Yohn, Public Health Director Della Cox-Vieira and County Commissioner Darius Allen during Wednesday's commissioner meeting after being appointed to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environments home care advisory committee. Warmer weather and an abundance of water is keeping a large area open at North Clear Creek Falls west of Creede. On Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at approximately 0930 hours, officers with the Alamosa Police Department were dispatched to a report of a subject claiming to have a rifle and walking into the Alamosa High School. Health, wellness and lots of fun are on the schedule. ALAMOSA This may be her first run for office, but if elected Donna Lynne will be the most familiar with her new job as governor, she explained during her inaugural campaign tour in Alamosa on Sunday. Adams State University elementary education junior Natalie Wheelock, right, goes over a "Mad Libs" exercise with Alfredo Gaspar, 11, and Daniel Lauro, 10, during the annual K-5 English Language Learner Family Night at Alamosa Elementary School on Monday. Members of the Alamosa County Fire Department extinguish multiple small grass fires at the intersection of Six South and County Road 114 South on Monday. kAm$6C862?E (9:E:?86C 925 AC:@C Alamosa youth portray Stations of the Cross for Easter. Get the latest headlines on local sports! Michele Chandler covers city government andhousing issues for the Redding Record Searchlight/USA Today Network. DEL NORTE The Rio Grande County Clerk & Recorders office will be closed Tuesday, March 20 for training. Between 2016 and 2020, 7,220 DUI arrests were made in Larimer County. Public Works Director Rob Vance gave a passionate defense of himself, the city and his hardworking crew at the Thursday, Jan. 18 meeting of the Monte Vista City Council. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. In the end there could only be one. After months of discussion, Saguache County Commissioners approved a 120-day moratorium on the approval of new marijuana applications until the current regulations governing how the applications are processed can be reviewed. On Friday, Dec. 29 at about 12:56 p.m. the Alamosa Police Department Officers responded to a report of shots fired in the vicinity of the 1100 block of Railroad Avenue. No structures or people were harmed. (FOX32 Chicago WFLD). It is vital to have awareness and commitment from the community when it comes to relationship violence. At last weeks Saguache County commissioners meeting, commissioners approved additional conditional use permits to allow applicants to cultivate and extract cannabis, also to seed outside grows. Pennsylvania unseals search warrants in Idaho student killings Temple University officer Chris Fitzgerald laid to rest in Philadelphia Bensalem man charged in Bristol Township woman's drug death Yardley man convicted in 2021 shooting seeking sentencing modification Tullytown man is charged in a Montco mom's drug death. Stevie Coleman, 51, homeless, two counts of transactions involving proceeds from drug offenses, two counts of distribution of schedule II narcotics. Alamosa County commissioners on Wednesday approved the Alamosa County Fireworks Ban, the first since 2002 and in line with a similar ban passed by the Alamosa city council. Slover, who has most recently been a principal in New Mexico for the past six years, has 17 years of experience as a principal. ALAMOSA Petitioners submitted to Alamosa City Clerk Holly Martinez on Monday signatures to place medical and retail marijuana questions on this Novembers ballot. As Colorado grapples with the opioid crisis, local communities are stepping up efforts to organize community responses.
Trying to balance support for existing brick and mortar businesses with free enterprise, Alamosa city councilors are considering ordinance changes regarding temporary retail sales licenses. VILLA GROVE On Tuesday, June 19, at approximately 6:20 p.m. the driver of an SUV was headed southbound on Highway 285 just north of Villa Grove. Alamosa County Commissioner Michael Yohn, Alamosa County Executive Assistant Belina Ramirez, Alamosa County Commissioner Helen Sigmond and Alamosa County Department of Public Health employee Margie Martinez stand together after the pair were recognized for the second Employee of the Quarter awards at Wednesday's county commissioners meeting. John Hickenlooper for signing a bill that will provide new protection to prevent heat-related deaths in a vehicle. $3.00
In a 4-3 vote Wednesday night, the Alamosa city council asked staff to begin drawing up a ballot question to increase council compensation. SAGUACHE COUNTY A bat in Saguache County tested positive for rabies this week. Smoke from wildfires in Colorado and other states has impacted the air quality in the San Luis Valley. ALAMOSA The day that [former Governor] Bill Ritter and I first stepped off an airplane here, I knew that she would do anything for the people that she represented here, said Senator Michael Bennet of his regional representative Charlotte Bobicki at her retirement party on Friday. VALLEY The Division Engineer for Division 3 of the Colorado Division of Water Resources has announced that the irrigation season will begin: Douglas County ranks healthiest in Colorado and Costilla County least healthiest, according to the ninth annual County Health Rankings, released this week by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (UWPHI). Over the past three years construction in Alamosa County has been on the rise. ALAMOSA Adams State University is seeking comments from the public about the university in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional accrediting agency. The vehicle was stolen on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at approximately 7:15 pm. Please purchase a subscription to continue reading. The Pioneer Days Celebration, set July 19-21 honors its first settlers from Spanish explorers in the late 1500s, to Mormon pioneers in the 1800s. ALAMOSA Most of those who shared their thoughts with the Alamosa city council this week on a proposed marijuana ordinance suggested the city loosen it up or ditch it altogether. The Courier-Times's Tweets. ALAMOSA Two weeks ago, the Alamosa County Commissioners listened to presentations from three airline services interested in the Essential Air Service contract here. CAPULIN DeShon Martinez, 20, charged in connection with a vehicle-pedestrian fatality in Capulin Sept. 23, appeared before Conejos County Judge Kim Cortez Monday to seek a bond reduction. Receive classifieds from local advertisers. WASHINGTON, D.C. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the 2018 Farm Bill on Thursday afternoon. Police suspect that the argument was about money. ALAMOSA By late last week, the Alamosa Local Marketing District Board had not yet received any proposals for the Rio Grande Motorway building. ALAMOSA Chief Business Development Officer Jeff Owsley of San Luis Valley Hemp Co. made a presentation to the Alamosa Rotary Club about the firms role in hemp growth and sales on Monday at Juanitos Restaurant. Success! Jim Clare talks to the San Luis Valley County Commissioners Association on Monday about the self-contained breathing apparatus on the relatively new hazmat truck that the San Luis Valley Hazardous Material Team purchased in 2005. ALAMOSA Members of the Early Iron Club thanked Alamosa city council and staff this week for the citys support of the event, which brings more than 600 vehicles and their owners to town over Labor Day weekend. Instead, the cooperative's members decided during a meeting on April 29 that it would be no longer open on Sundays to cut operating costs. VALLEY This month the Colorado Department of Revenue (CDOR) began releasing statewide historical marijuana sales data from January 2014 to the present and will release monthly reports going forward on the seventh business day of every month. While the snowmelt and irrigation season have begun, the basin-wide estimate of snow water equivalent sat at just 42 percent of average on April 10th, which is normally the date of peak snowpack in the Rio Grande Basin. ALAMOSA Alamosa County commissioners this week authorized intern David Strawn to apply for a $15,000 grant from the State Historical Fund for an assessment of the old courthouse that will be vacated when the new justice center is completed. ALAMOSA In a 6-1 vote and with no input during a public hearing, the Alamosa city council approved utility rate increases for 2019. Alamosa officials cut the ribbon Tuesday on the citys new parks/cemetery office building, complete with a much-needed restroom available to the public. Rumors have been swirling that Valley Food Co-op is shutting its doors, though that is not the case. The Division of Motor Vehicles discovered a minor vendor production error which resulted in the listed height to be misprinted on driver licenses and identification cards renewed online between February 20 and March 6. he Rio Grande National Forests Divide Ranger District is seeking comment on a new proposed action for the environmental analysis of the Snow Mesa and Wishbone sheep allotments. Barbara Kruse, visiting assistant professor at Adams State University's Teacher Education department, judges an entry at the 69th San Luis Valley Regional Science Fair in Plachy Hall on Thursday. Serina and Selena might have been finishing their first year of college, studying to be doctors. ALAMOSA Alamosa welcomed new leadership and thanked outgoing officials as newly elected Mayor Ty Coleman moved into his new position Wednesday night. CONEJOS Following are clarifications to special use permits pending before the Conejos Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), according to Linda DeHerrera, land use administrator: ALAMOSA After clarifying greenhouses codes in April, Alamosa County commissioners approved their first special use permit for the installation of a commercial greenhouse for industrial hemp on Wednesday. Get the latest breaking news, sports, entertainment and obituaries in Houma, LA from Houma Today. The annual Easter Egg Hunt has been sponsored by the American Legion Post 113 since 1938. Molly Nehring and Alyssa Rawinski stand with Loree Harvey, their biology teacher at Monte Vista High School, at the awards ceremony for 68th San Luis Valley Science Fair on Friday night. John Kretsinger speaks on behalf of gubernatorial candidate Cary Kennedy at the Alamosa County Democratic Caucus at the Alamosa Recreation Center on Tuesday. homes have been lost or damaged by the Spring Fire. Colorado's hospital provider fee, which reimburses hospitals based on the number of uninsured and Medicaid patients, is currently part of the state's general fund and subject to the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR). DENVER Gov. WASHINGTON The formal public comment period has closed for the review of national monuments. G:6H] p44@C5:?8 E@ E96 :?4:56?E C6A@CE[ 286?ED =@42E65 ad 8C2>D @7 4CJDE2= >6E92>A96E2>:?6 2?5 5CF8 A2C2A96C?2=:2 H96? Paramedic Ted Anderson and Alamosa Fire Department Chief Don Chapman load an injured driver into an ambulance at the intersection of West Avenue and Sixth Street at approximately 12:40 p.m. Thursday. Colorado hospitals face a half billion dollar cut in this years state budget, yet a legislative solution is at hand. Fostoria native Jeffery J. Huffman, a trooper with the Bowling Green Post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol, was honored for most felony investigations as the patrol named its 2022 Leadership Awards. VALLEY Accion, a nationally recognized, regional nonprofit organization, announces a $2.75 million investment from the Colorado Health Foundation to improve economic opportunities and health outcomes for populations in Colorado that face barriers to entrepreneurship. Alamosa firefighters knock down Friday afternoon fire. Patti Payne, has announced her candidacy for re-election to the office of Mineral County treasurer/public trustee. There were no injuries to the couple involved in this Wednesday accident on South River Road, Alamosa, about 1 p.m., but the crash knocked down a power line. SAGUACHE The Saguache County Planning Commission (SCPC) last Thursday began the revision of the countys marijuana regulations. The two teams split the season series with . ALAMOSA The Alamosa County Sheriffs Office has made an arrest on suspicion of arson in connection with one of the multiple fires occurring in the Alamosa area on Tuesday. There was a problem saving your notification. SAGUACHE After deliberating for several hours, a jury empaneled to decide the fate of Charles M. Gonzales in the death of Michael D. Rust in 2009 returned a verdict at 1:20 p.m. Thursday afternoon of guilty on all counts. Claiming she was caught by surprise by the South Conejos Board of Educations (BOE) non-renewal of her contract, Superintendent Carla Archuleta is exploring her options. 255:E:@? Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown addresses reporters about a shooting. A division of the Colorado Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments at Alamosa High School on Tuesday, March 14, and at Salida High School on March 16, before audiences of students. Gov. Democrat Jacob D. Ortiz, born and raised in Conejos County, is seeking the position of Conejos County Sheriff. Water efficiency and public safety are goals of water projects approved for funding this month from one side of the San Luis Valley to the other. patrols the streets, including restricting their vehicle pursuit policy, ending foot pursuits if a suspect runs from an officer or if someone commits a minor offense. ALAMOSA GEAR UP, a program that has helped students in the San Luis Valley stay on track for furthering their education the past nine years, will be losing funding, GEAR UP Director Liz Tabeling-Garcia told a group of Adams State students this week. playground on Thursday, Brothers die from gunfire in Conejos County, SLV Health, community to send supplies to schools, Student group to host Opioid Epidemic Summit, Residents may soon grow 24 pot plants in Alamosa County, South Fork man dies in rollover crash Monday, National Drug Take Back Day is April 28th, The Colorado State Patrol has no tolerance for behaviors that could spark fires, City approves land exchange with RV resort developers, Outlook: Continuing dry conditions in SLV, Airport drops ABQ route, adds another to DEN, County hires Speights and Worrich law firm for opioid settlement, Weapons, drugs, stolen vehicles, suspects nabbed, RG National Forest puts dead trees to use, Alamosa GOP member Facebook post creates national repercussions, Easter egg hunts planned in San Luis Valley, Del Norte town board candidates meet with public, Schlabach resigns from Monte Vista city council, Commissioners to hear breeding facility matter April 11, TSJC will pursue nursing degree permitted under newly approved state legislation, San Luis Valley population continues to grow; Saguache increases the most, Saguache commissioners issue marijuana statement, Irrigation seasons to begin in rest of the Valley, Texas man hit, killed after Wolf Creek accident, Centennial students 'standing up' to make a difference, Ag exemption from electronic logging devices extended, Streamflow outlook not looking any better, Report shows drug felony filings up across Colorado: 12th Judicial District second, Marketing district awards $77,900 in grants, Bennet, Gardner, Tipton back opioid bills, Ruben, Audrey Chavez file claim against Town of Center, Governor reappoints Newmyer-Olsen to judicial commission, Judge Swift appointed to pretrial commission, ASU Foundation, SLV Federal Bank aid university, Officers placed on leave after fatal shooting, City receives grant to plant trees at SLV airport corridor, City Council hears updated Rio Bravo proposals, Prescribed burns planned in northern New Mexico, MV council clarifies position after Schlabach comments, Business owner injured during armed robbery, Assessment rate projected to keep dropping in Alamosa County, Valley conservation projects receive national funding, Salary increases may be affecting filings for county elected offices, Burt speaks to economic development group, Murder, sex assault suspects to appear Feb. 15, Superintendents from Valley join statewide school financing proposal, Colorado AmeriCorps to help fight drug crisis, Mosca sewer project on time, under budget, Super Bowl DUI enforcement begins February 2, Colorado traffic fatalities are up 29 percent since 2014, Mayor Pro Tem Hensley selected for CML post, Vance tells 'rest of the story' during Monte Vista meeting, Two injured in Jan. 25 accident near Center, Cotten is first water rules trial witness, San Luis Valley now provides permanent drug take-back sites, Congress approves long-term Child Health Plan Plus funding to 2023, Commissioners support investment in dunes, SLV county commissioners support rural Colorado in letters to legislators, Perez sentenced to 44 years for Center murder, City advances decriminalization ordinance, Local youth to get on-the-farm experience, Police seek public help to solve robberies, Blanca trustee seats up for election in April, A look at San Luis Valley Reservoirs: Part 2, Colorado reacts to 'Cole Memo' rescission, Man charged for attempted murder in Alamosa shooting Friday, Local contractors chosen for workforce program, State provides review of census estimates, Failed liquor compliance checks cause for concern, Hearing set in February for triple homicide, Saguache County residents rally to support sheriff, Cooper to serve 12 years on McBride, robbery cases, Adams State trustees approve fiscal contingency plan criteria, Trustees approve naming of First Southwest Bank Center for Economic Opportunity, CDOT begins drilling operations near Center, Del Norte Bank donates to Mineral County lunch program, Boettcher Foundation awards Valley nonprofits, After Center school closure, public health responds to outbreak questions, Colorado Open Lands launches Acequia Initiative Project, CDA announces Colorados 2017 CDA-approved certified hemp seed varieties, Conflict arises in city council seat vacancy, 1st Stop robber recieves probation, treament conditions, Alamosa County commissioners adopt 2018 budget, Alamosa airport aims for 10,000 passengers, Restitution total is still issue in city embezzlement case, RGSO offering concealed weapons course Dec. 15-16, Alamosa Christmas dinner will be held in new location, Barton sentenced on attempted sex assault charge, Saguache County residents share marijuana concerns, Brian Cooper not sentenced for McBride murder, Out-going mayor casts dissenting vote on contract, Old school to see new life in south Alamosa, FS appeals judge's decision on Village at Wolf Creek, Access permit applications for late season accepted, RES completes solar project for SLV Rural Electric, Five Valley school districts drop in accreditation, Wolf Creek Ski Area Meadow Lift Project approved, Valley school board races decided on Tuesday, ACLU report plays into judicial search process, Robinson's hearing continued in murder case, SLV Big Band concert is salute to veterans Nov. 4, SLV Health to receive Willis Fassett, Jr. Award, DN school bond committee meets with public, Alamosa County resurrects airport advisory board, Stand Up Colorado will bring relationship violence awareness to the San Luis Valley, USDA grants new First Southwest Bank Center for Economic Opportunity at ASU, Candidates asked about economic development, Marketing board declines interim director offer, County approves day care, Amish furniture store, Action 22 honorees include two from the Valley, Court postponed, judge to review ACLU report with city, Accessory plea entered in McBride homicide, District enrollment projected to increase, President, governor order flags lowered for Las Vegas victims, Marketing district seeks interim director, Senator Bennet pushes for funding extensions of health programs, Alamosa invites public to budget discussion, Bennet office accepting applications for military academy nominations, Cold spring, heavy rain helped Alamosa mosquito district, Vehicular homicide defendant wants new lawyer, Preservation foundation funds Engine 168 Project, Eli Heredia runs for school board in 3-way race, Saguache mayor resigns; town remains divided, Alamosa shares advice for dealing with returning bear, Alamosa passes resolution condemning hate, Valley offers varied Labor Day weekend events, Special Improvement District No. SAGUACHE Saguache County Sheriffs Office Jail Commander Capt. 53-7-41, notice is given to all creditors of the ESTATE OF CLAUDE MANUEL HOLT, late of Gilmer County, Georgia, deceased (DOD: 07/17/2022), and are hereby notified to render their demand to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. VALLEY Gov. ALAMOSA Filling The Barn at La Manzanilla Farm with a crowd of around 100 people, Rio Bravo RV Resort developers presented their proposal, answered questions and took public comments Friday night. On Wednesday Alamosa County Commissioners voted to give the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative a $6,000 match. Some clouds. On a felony charge associated with the January 2017 death of Marcie Quintana, 24, District Judge Michael Gonzales on Thursday sentenced Angel Nieto, 32, to 12 years in prison plus three 30-day jail terms for contempt of court. Final decision will be at the discretion of the Taipei Times. ALAMOSA Alamosa city council this week decided to place a petition-initiated marijuana issue on the 2019 ballot. ALAMOSA The San Luis Valley will host the summer conference for county treasurers and public trustees from throughout the state this week. VALLEY October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. {] %2J=@C[ ad[ H2D 2CC6DE65 2?5 AC6=:>:?2C:=J 492C865 H:E9 {6G6= c 76=@?J A@DD6DD:@? The Memorial Day ceremonies at the Colorado State Veterans Cemetery are arguably some of the best in the area. Samsel indicted in Jan. 6: Bristol Borough man indicted for alleged assault during . MONTE VISTASargent Schools welcomed new Superintendent Greg Slover, on July 1. Community Center receiving face lift, Milagros features San Luis Valley Painters, Courier receives Excellence in Media Award, State engineer addresses 'use it or lose it', Grass fire at Six South and County Road 114 South, Governor appoints new Huerfano County judge, Attorney General Coffman files motion to stay lawsuit in exoneration case, Forest Service Christmas tree permits for sale, Sen. Bennet unveils plan to tackle eviction crisis, Bennet, Gardner urge Secure Rural Schools Program extension, Gardner promotes legislation to help veteran healthcare, Funding to help improve oral health in Valley, Prescription drug stats shared for Valley counties, Saguache sheriff shares post-election ideas, N. Conejos accredited with distinction third year in a row, Bennet secures Spring Fire recovery funds, Outbreak of E. coli infections linked to romaine lettuce, Cumbres railroad earns preservation award for Engine 168, Alamosa school board honors athletes, hires new coaches, 12th Judicial District Attorneys Office releases ruling in Antonito shooting, Partnership addresses healthcare challenges, SLV regional airport seeks fixed base operator, Veterans, Military Families Month declared, Deputy injured during Costilla County call, IRS Tax Tips: Tax reform changes affect farmers bottom line, Colorado 2018 ballot measures boiled down, Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Observe all year, Report out on impacts of marijuana legalization in Colorado, Sandoval arraignment postponed to December, Colorado For All bus tour to stop in Alamosa, Commission for deaf Coloradans to hold public meetings in Alamosa, City of Alamosa notifies levee homeowners of dike work, Secretary Williams reminders voters of tools available, Valley may face water export threat again, Secretary of State answers voters' election questions, Saguache County Sheriffs Office explains sales tax, SLV commissioners postpone 2019 budget approval, Accion announces investment in rural communities, Program offered for Subdistrict #1 water conservation, Secretary of State assures secure elections, New programs, layout planned at SLV Museum, Application period opens for Judicial Nominating Commission positions, MVPD, RG County settle with Delgado family, Prescribed burns planned on RG National Forest, Voluntary water restrictions are successful, Applications open for courthouse security grants, CBI investigates burglary and shooting in Antonito, SLV residents urged to be in court Sept. 5, Cancer patients needed for local research, Underfunded courthouse grants are available, Still time to participate in community gardens throughout the Valley, Immunization protects everyone including adults, Fire burning in Horse Creek has grown to 90 acres, South Conejos School District celebrates growth, RG National Forest releases draft timber salvage decision, Wolf Creek Pass crash results in fatality, injuries, Saguache related tragic deaths sadden community, Split vote approves Saguache County land use code, CML takes positions on ballot initiatives, Protect preteens and teens with regular vaccines, Alamosa County approves medical marijuana manufacturing operation, Nevares pleads to 2017 Capulin murders, receives life sentences, Colorado baker sues state over gender transition cake, Send children back to school protected from diseases, Irrigation district begins draining water from reservoir for rehab project, Bennet, Gardner urge reauthorization of LWCF, Immunization Month: Protecting your baby starts now, National speaker presents at SLV symposium, Reward for killing mountain goats increased to $15,000, Deadline approaches for continuous CRP enrollment, County changes airline request to Boutique Air, National Immunization Awareness Month 2018: A healthy start begins with on-time vaccinations, Forest Service invites input on proposed land sale southeast of Creede, Comment on herd management in north Valley, Breastfeeding Week: For a healthier community, Breastfeeding week begins with 'big latch', Alamosa resident dead, arrest warrant issued for husband, Motor vehicle services not available August 1-5, Campaign culminates with 'Road to Recycling' and brochure, Valley counties hear redistricting campaign ideas, Churches of Christ Disaster Relief offer aid, In aftermath of Spring Fire, SLV Behavioral Health offers tips to cope with tragic events, Fire restrictions lifted on public lands in Valley, Owsley shares hemp update with Alamosa Rotary Club, Marketing district discusses motel shuttle service, Alamosa school board approves new staff hires, Information needed on impacts of the Spring Creek Fire on the SLV, Colorados park maintenance backlog over $238 million, Alamosa lends hand in Spring Fire efforts, Allstate offers tips for wildfire recovery, Veteran-led Team Rubicon providing wildfire relief in Huerfano and Costilla Counties, Wendys Wonderful Kids to help with Valley adoptions, Higher Learning Commission removes sanction for ASU, Tips shared for lung health during forest fires, Insurance advice shared for Spring Fire victims, Meeting Monday evening will inform some landowners in Spring Fire whether homes have been lost, Celebrations planned in SLV for Fourth of July, SLV Regional Airport looks at new fuel suppliers, Updated Costilla County Primary Election results, U.S. DOE review results in $84,000 liability to Adams State, Crestone boy found; man charged with kidnapping, Conejos County passes six-month kennel moratorium, Shawcroft applauds Farm Bill passage out of House, Most San Juan National Forest and Durango-area BLM-managed lands re-open on Thursday, Two-car accident near Villa Grove results in injuries, Huerfano officials seek oil/gas lease delay, Sangre de Cristo Ranches shares fire restrictions, covenant enforcement, Vil, Dupler awarded tenure at Adams State, Road and bridge to repair four roads, buys paint striper, Recognition ceremony set for Vietnam era veterans, City of Alamosa to water users: Waste not, Adams State awarded Community Partner Program grant to improve student success, North Crestone Campground to be temporarily closed, Live in the country?
Cameron Mathison Fan Club,
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