The record high temperature is 128 degrees. The haunted state? And then I finally paid a visit this past weekend and was pleasantly surprised. In 2012 his vehicle, wallet, cellphone, and backpack were located but there had been no sign of the missing man. Intrigue Journal. Kinos Mission San Xavier del Bac near Tucson unlike other missions in California was both massive and opulent, and still stands today. 9 a.m. 4 p.m. Summer Hours This is trails end; this is the domain of the Dutch Hunters. Image property of Arcana Exploration, photo taken at the Lost Dutchman Museum Apache Junction, Arizona. Yes, the deserts of Arizona carry a spooky secret. 2023 Copyright Phoenix Ghosts. The men must deal with a lack of water and the fact that the map leads him into lands held sacred by the Apaches. May through September We had a 7-hour drive ahead of us and we wanted to start early. The promise of a $200 million mother . The Supers are east - northeast of Phoenix. The man is barely alive. Cursed, blighted, tainted, whatever you want to call it. The stones are named for an obscure "Peralta family", said to be an old and powerful Mexican family. The Peralta family would go on to be suspected of having left some evidence behind of their discovery in the form of a series of odd stones mysteriously etched with codes, pictograms, and cryptic messages written out in imperfect Latin, which are said to hold the key to finding the treasure and which have been dubbed the Peralta Stones. These stones were allegedly written up by the family shortly before their massacre and left behind by Apaches who did not know their true meaning and so left them to rot away in the sun. When is the documentary goimg to start back up? Then around 1692, the Jesuit padre father Eusebio Francisco Kino arrived. Both fabled and mythical, they have helped to drive the legend of the Lost Dutchman Mine. Even though some have said the stones story is much older (it is true the source information is likely much older) than the Dutchmans time and therefor there is no connection, they are going to be slapping themselves in the face trying to overcome their denial when they realize the stones leadto the same birds nest. Some places have long been thought to be simply no good. Museum Members are FREE. (2004). Furthermore, Wilburn stated that geology indicates that there is no gold in the Superstition Mountains, which are igneous in origin. The elder Ruth had fallen and badly broken several bones while seeking the lost Pegleg mine in California. TheLost Dutchmans Gold Mineis, according to folktales, a magnificent, rich, Scrooge McDuck like repository of gold hidden somewhere in southwestern United States. [25] Blair noted that the conclusion of the Arizona authorities was rejected by many, including Ruth's family, and "those who held onto the more romantic murdered-for-the-map story". Seniors $6.00 (65 and older) "Dutchman's Gold" was the season 4, episode 19 of, This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 00:14. Producers included Tamara Blaich, Jennifer Harrington, and Megan Peterson with cinematography by Pyongson Yim and editing by Jennifer Harrington. STSTW Media strives to deliver accurate information through careful research. Dr. According to the Apaches (North American Indians), the entryway to hell is in the Superstition Mountains. However, things can go wrong. Ive driven by this place countless times without ever checking it out. The praying hands formation at the Superstition Mountains range. Over the next few weeks we will provide some images and photos taken at or very near the site. Their bodies were never found but their camera was. Web. This is their turf and only the highly experienced and prepared should venture forward. On 8 June 2019, a fire broke out in the Superstitions Wilderness area and soon spread across 26,000 acres. The neighboursJulia Thomas, Rhinehart Petrasch, and Hermann Petraschspent weeks looking for the gold, but failed to find it. And the answer is absolutely yes! The closest approximate was a German miner of the PennsylvaniaGerman community. He further stated, after examining the two holes [in the skull], that it appeared that a shotgun or high-powered rifle had been fired through the head at almost point-blank range, making the small hole when the bullet entered and the large hole when it exited".[23]. The headline that entangles those mountains in macabre tales and sinister ghost fantasies is the legend of the Lost Dutchmans Gold Mine. Others that it was Waltz. Arcana Exploration is made up of a group of five friends and supporters, from central Ohio, who until five years ago knew very little if anything about the LDM. In this case the body was found first, with the rest of the body following a full 6 months later. Skeptoid Media, 29 Jan 2013. (Doug Dolde / Wikimedia Commons). They believed that the entrance to the underworld itself lay somewhere in among these peaks, and that powerful spirits roamed the withered landscape. Keep in mind for security reasons for now I have to be selective on what we divulge. Blair contended that this story can be divided into "hawk" and "dove" versions, depending on whether the German(s) are said to behave violently or peacefully. This was our first stop for the day. Supposedly a mine with fabulously rich gold deposits. In-Season Waltzs caregiver, a Julia Thomas, apparently listened to all of this but had no idea what to think of any of it. Wasnt it Dutch? They removed his blindfold and let him take away as much as he could carry. Is this all just a spooky legend or id there something more to it? Check it out! Its estimated worth is around 200 million dollars. On July 11, 2010, Utah hikers Curtis Merworth, Ardean Charles, and Malcolm Meeks went missing in the Superstition Mountains while looking for the mine. The Copper State. He's written articles for MU and Daily Grail and has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM and Binnal of America. There was indeed a Jacob Waltz who emigrated to the U.S. from Germany. The story of the Peralta Stones is that they lead you to a small almost invisible ledge, like a small birds nest perched in the middle of a forest of giant oaks concealed by the natural elements, it obscures itself from all beasts of prey especially man. How he knew all of this no one knows, but one rumor has it that he learned the secret location of this massive stash of gold from the sole surviving Peralta family member. Dr. Thorne starts to investigate. Very sweet museum with great views of the Superstition Mountains. Since the turn of the twentieth century, thousands of people have scoured the mountains in search of it, hundreds have lost their lives in the process, but not one has returned with an ounce of gold. It was the fifth-largest fire in Arizonas history, it raged for over a month, despite the strenuous containment efforts of over 600 firefighters. One of these was a veterinarian and treasure hunter named Adolf Ruth, who in 1931 made his way to these wind-swept wilds, armed with what he at the time claimed to be the actual original map to it. To determine if the skull was Ruth's, it was examined by Dr. Ale Hrdlika, a well-respected anthropologist who was given several photos of Ruth, along with Ruth's dental records. Get-rich-quick schemes are as American as the Fourth of July. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Read on to find out if you should start planning your trip to a Dark Mountain. He died of pneumonia in 1891 and, according to the three neighbours who cared for him, he left them the box of gold under his bed and directions to the gold mine. All rights reserved. Daughter Actor Vivien Ng On The New Cult Horror Film, Every Frightening New Title Coming to Paramount+ in March, The Number One Horror Show on Netflix For The Month Is A great adaptation of a fantastic series, The Most-Viewed Horror Movie Trailer On YouTube This Week Has Fans All-In, Seeing Red: Enter To Win A Blu-Ray of Joe Begos Christmas Bloody Christmas, Subscribers Find The Latest Shocking Netflix True Crime Documentary Series Unbelievable, July 29th Mesa, AZ (one night only) AMC Mesa Grand 14, 7pm, July 30th Austin, TX (one night only) Alamo Drafthouse Slaughter Lane, 9pm, July 31st = New York, NY (one night only) AMC Loews Village 7, 8:30pm. According to some storytellers, in September 1848, a band of Apaches slaughtered the entire Peralta Family, except one (someone had to live to tell the tale). His body would later be found with a bullet hole to the head. That was circa 1850. "Most. In later years, in 1945, a would-be treasure hunter named Barry Storm would claim that as he had been out looking for the treasure he had been fired upon by a mysterious sniper who he called Mr. In 1952 there was a man named Joseph Kelley, who went out into the mountains to find the treasure and proceeded to vanish from the face of the earth. Yet it is also a place of fabled mysteries, talk of dark curses, strange disappearances and deaths, high strangeness, and a secret treasure that it allegedly holds close to it, reluctant to ever give it up. Eight months later their camera and cell phones were recovered along the western edge of LaBarge Canyon. Whether a wedding, elopement,, The amphitheater and other outdoor locations on the Museum's property are available for outdoor events including small catered receptions. They are bound on three sides by U.S. Route 60, Arizona State Route 88, and Arizona State Route 188, and are visible from miles away. For the price, this is well worth the visit. According to their folklore, the mountain guards an ancient storehouse of precious metals and treasures, and anyone who ventures forth to get the treasure is likely to die. Jacob Waltz, the Dutchman, a mischievous canard if ever there was one, becomes obsessed with the mine. Many of Ruth's personal effects were found at the scene, including a pistol (not missing any shells) and the metal pins used to mend his broken bones. January 7, 2023 12:00 pm - April 29, 2023 3:00 pm, Desert Safety and Survival (March Sold Out), Weaving Class with Nanabah Aragon (March Sold Out). Finally The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Is Found! Youll find us in the rugged 160,000 acre Superstition Mountain range in the Tonto National Forest in Central Arizona. In December of 1949 a man named James Kidd vanished without a trace in the area as well. You came for the yellow rag gossip. Top Ten list of haunted spots in Phoenix. In January 2011, three sets of remains assumed to be those of the lost men were retrieved. It is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. except on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. Early on during the Spanish Conquest, Conquistadors such as Francisco Vazquez de Coronado (1535) came to the American southwest (New Spain) in search of gold trying to locate, Montezumas Seven Cities of Cibola. Hanna-Barbara, Jean Giraud, and Don Rosa have incorporated the story in their cartoons. According to Blair, the story may have its roots in the efforts of three U.S. soldiers to locate gold in an area of New Mexico, based on an allegedly true story related to them by Dr. Thorne of New Mexico; see above. In an act of kindness, Throne treats an ailing Apache chieftain. TheSuperstition Mountains, furthermore, are the abode of the Thunder God, and he causes the frequent regional thunderstorms. The University of Arizona is the oldest college in the state, existing before Arizona achieved statehood. The mysterious deaths and disappearances go on and on. According to these legends, this treasure was almost never seen by mortal eyes, at least not by anyone who lived to tell about it, but there are some tales of outsiders stumbling across it. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Closed: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day and Easter. Children 10 and under In 1847-1848 during the time of the Hidalgo Treaty when Mexico sold the territory to the United Sates the Peraltas, knowing they would lose access to their mines made one last trip bringing hundreds of miners from Sonora to mine as much as they could, but were attacked by Apaches. This is considered to be the starting and gathering point for most Dutch Hunters. Lastly, the alleged mine directions Ruth had were from an 1895 newspaper account. Come on. They didnt find it because its not in the superstitions Too bad i cant post pictures, because i know exactly where it is, Did you ever think the Dutchman might have used another mine location to through To begin with, there was never any real Dutchman involved with the lost gold mine. Legend tells of the Lost Dutchman's gold mine hidden somewhere within the 160,000 acres of brutal Arizona desert known as the "Superstition Mountains.". Up until Ruths disastrous expedition, the mines were little more than a footnote in the history of Arizona; one of a thousand so-called. Along with the body was found a mysterious note ensconced within a bottle, which said that he had broken his leg and needed help, but which also stated that he had had managed to find the legendary Lost Dutchmans Mine. The area is basically a free-for-all for wilderness lovers. [7] A man named Miguel Peralta and his family did operate a successful mine in the 1860s but near Valencia, California, not in Arizona. They trek into the mountains. This isn't another nauseating, shaky-cam mess. SUPERSTITION MOUNTAINS GHOST, LOST MINES, MURDER AND MAYHEM, Geronimo was oftentimes sometimes discussed in the story. She was oblivious, baffled, and would apparently later sell the map of the now dead treasure hunter to parties unknown. 5: Museum Administration and Membership matters, E-MAILVolunteering questions: [emailprotected]Site rentals: [emailprotected]Membership questions: [emailprotected]Retail and event issues: [emailprotected]Accounting issues: [emailprotected]Administrative and other issues: [emailprotected]FAX(480) 288-6524. Director Earl Bellamy Writer Sam Peckinpah (teleplay and story) Stars Dale Robertson John Litel Myron Healey Some searchers for the mine have disappeared in likely wilderness accidents. Some carved stones in the area are referred to as "Peralta Stones" and Spanish text and crude maps on them are considered by some to be clues to the location of a Peralta family gold mine in the Superstition Mountains, although others believe the stones to be modern fakes. Wasnt it Dutch? Waltz is also said to make a deathbed confession to Julia Thomas, and draws or describes a crude map to the gold mine. Cursed, blighted, tainted, whatever you want to call it. [11] According to Blair, the origin of this story can be traced to a doctor named Thorne who was in private practice in New Mexico in the 1860s. Later, he remarked that he had noticed a towering rock formation nearby, but otherwise remained clueless about the whereabouts of the place. At the low elevations, you will encounter tall saguaro cactusand Ponderosa pines at higher levels, and these are generally near the streams. [8] The mine was quite profitable, earning about $35,000 in less than one year; Blair described this as "an unusually good return" for such a small gold mine to earn in such a relatively brief period. The chieftain, overtaken by the act, blindfolds the doctor and takes him on a trip to the mines. Kino is believed to have had a rich goldmine somewhere in the Superstition Mountains. I feel the information on the Peralta stones is most likely from a very old map of Jesuit origin. [17] Note that tombstone pictured shows birth year as 1808. Treasure hunting at Superstition Mountains Arizona - The Lost Dutchman's Mine. Lots to see on site from a barn, trains, petting zoo on Saturdays, little gift shop, and a labyrinth and even a chapel dedicated to Elvis. The earliest Lost Dutchman's mine in Arizona was said to have been near Wickenburg, about 180km (110mi) north-west of the Superstition Mountains: a "Dutchman" was allegedly discovered dead in the desert near Wickenburg in the 1870s alongside saddlebags filled with gold. You came here for the nasty bits that are constantly swept under the rug. Despite his efforts, Willing was never able to recover the money he gave to Peralta. No suspects or motive were ever found. In the weeks and months to come we will use much of the historical information, and show how it ties directly to what we have found. Starring Sage Howard, Andrew Simpson, and Shelby Stehlin. Fact Analysis: The Superstition Mountain Museum collects, preserves and displays the artifacts, history and folklore of the Superstition Mountain region and the Apache Junction area. Combine these with the legends of the indigenous Pima Indians and the mountains live up to their name. Take a stroll along the Native Plant Trail or hike the . The Native Apache people of the area had already long held this as a rather sinister scared place even before outsiders came in to settle the land. Later on came a long list of early and newly appointed Dons of Spain who also made forays into the Prima Alta looking for riches. DARK MOUNTAIN (2013) "In March of 2011, three filmmakers disappeared in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona while documenting their search for the Lost Dutchman mine. [3] Former Arizona Attorney General Robert K. Corbin is among those who have looked for the mine. The Superstition Mountains Superstition Mountain has an elevation of 5,024 feet. The man is barely alive. Because of what we have discovered at the site, Arcana Exploration believes we have proof for the first time that there is a common link between Waltz and the Peraltas. As with most of the terrain encompassing the Phoenix metropolitan area, and the Superstition Mountains, have a desert environment, with scorching summer temperatures and sparse sources of water. [5] One Lost Dutchman's mine is said to be in Colorado, another in California; two are said to be located in Arizona. The two Jacobs found the gold but refused to tell anyone else where it was. No sign of the filmmakers themselves has been found to date. From the Press Release Ruth disappeared while searching for the mine in the summer of 1931. Long before Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and grifter-socialite Anna Delvey, we had the Gold Rush and even today, plenty of Americans are still fixated on an either long-lost or fictional gold mine in Arizona's Superstition Mountains.For more than a century, adventurous souls have sought the Lost Dutchman Mine, and since 1891 . On our may trip in 2016 one day it reached 108 degrees, that same day up on the mountain, climbing on a surface of Granite and sandstone ours guys Trek watches read what they were breathing at an actual 119 degrees. There have been tales ofU.S. Armysoldiers that are said to have stumbled onto a river of almost pure gold in or near the Superstition Mountains. Dark Mountain is beautifully directed and filmed, it really took me by surprise. Get the latest on your favorite shows, plus updates on HISTORY events and more. The legend of the lost gold continued to attract people, and, in 1932, a veterinarian in the Park Service, Adolph Ruth, decided to go treasure hunting. To this end he lived for years among their ranks, learning their ways and tending to their sick and wounded. In this story (actually two interconnected stories), members of the Apache tribe are said to have a very rich gold mine located in the Superstition Mountains. Over the years, subsequent search for the mines has only lead to heartache and death. Back in those days, the American term for German was Deutsh one misspelling here, an illiterate vagrant telling tall tales over there, a shoddy reporter, and Deutsh suddenly transformed into Dutch. All Rights Reserved. As a sort of reward for this generosity, he was apparently one day asked to put on a blindfold, after which he was told he would be led to the mythical lost cavern of gold. He further stated, after examining the two holes [in the skull], that it appeared that a shotgun or high-powered rifle had been fired through the head at almost point-blank range, making the small hole when the bullet entered and the large hole when it exited. Here is a place of sprawling rugged wilderness, encompassing the Superstition Wilderness Area and drawing in hikers, rock climbers, campers, and all manner of those looking to enjoy the natural splendor and outdoor activities on offer. About Lost Dutchman State Park. Somewhere deep within Arizonas Superstition Mountains lies the most famous lost gold mine in the worldthe Lost Dutchman Mine. By what name was Legend of the Superstition Mountains (2015) officially released in Canada in English? He turned out to be the surviving Peralta, and, to express his gratitude, he gave them directions to his familys gold mine in the Superstition Mountains. Yet there are still all of these mysterious disappearances and death, these enigmatic decapitated corpses and their bullet-ridden heads. Dont expect High Street class; do expect old West charm, plenty of local history and lore, and the beautiful backdrop of the Superstition Mountains, not to mention a surprisingly good gift shop. Many people have dismissed them as a hoax. Mysterious bodies turned up in the Superstition Mountains all through the 1960s and 70s, with at least five people found dead with bullet holes to the skulls, and with other bodies found minus the heads, which were never found. Over the decades, this tale was gradually absorbed into the Lost Dutchman's story. We have imaging taken, with Go-pros, Sony 7000s; Osmo stabilized film cameras and Dji Phantom and Bee-bop drones. Blair had little doubt that Waltz related to Thomas the location of an alleged gold mine. The family is later attacked and butchered in the so-calledPeralta massacre. Next week I will list some clues that are absolutely relevant to what we have physically on site. In the 1800's, a german goldhunter named Jacob Waitz discovered a huge goldmine within the mountains that has since been named the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine (German <- > The Netherlands; let . He would vanish into thin air for his efforts. Over the next few weeks and months I will share some photos that will not give away the location but will show things that until now have never been shown before. [21], Were it not for the death of amateur explorer and treasure hunter Adolph Ruth, the story of the Lost Dutchman's mine would probably have been little more than a footnote in Arizona history as one of hundreds of "lost mines" rumored to be in the American West. My husband has been enthralled with all the wonderful tales of the mountains since his college days a long time ago. Trust at your own peril if you dare to tread into HISTORYs Legend of the Superstition Mountains. What is important is the informational content recorded on the stones. The mans campsite would be found to hold many books on the lost mine, and this would join a further three more mysterious deaths in 2010 and 2011 in the same area, all of whom had been seeking the legendary Dutchmans Mine. Arizona. He pursued mining and prospecting, but seems to have had little luck with either. Everyplace had a lost mine. A corpse is later found and IDed as Weiser; coroners unable to state whether the wounds were caused by Apache weapons or American-made knives. 9 May 2022. A group of modern day treasure hunters search for the Lost Dutchman mine in the Superstition mountain range of Arizona. is, according to folktales, a magnificent, rich, Scrooge McDuck like repository of gold hidden somewhere in southwestern United States. These trails traverse from the desert floor up into the edges of the mountains. , Barry Storm declared to have nearly escaped from a mysterious sniper he later called Mr. Members of the Apache tribe were said to have a truly valuable gold mine located in the Superstition Mountains. After moving to the area, Ruth lingered numerous days at the ranch of Tex Barkely to outfit his expedition. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. Tales of these other Lost Dutchman's mines can be traced to at least the 1870s. Monday Sunday These steep, jagged volcanic mountains were formed over 29 million years ago and they cover an area of 160,000 acres. July 3, 1947 James A Cravey, age 62, a retired photographer, was reported missing after he had chartered a helicopter June 19, 1947 to drop him off in the Superstition Mountains to look for the Lost Dutchmans Mine.
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