[370][371][372][373], Carlson has highlighted what he considers excesses of LGBT people on the political left. He remained with the network as a senior campaign correspondent for the 2008 election. [43] Carlson himself was named after his great-great-great-grandfather Dr. J.C. Tucker and his great-great-grandfather George W. [55][492] Carlson is left-handed and dyslexic. [161] The forum barred media reporters and conservatives. [284][285], Carlson opposes overthrowing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and has downplayed some of the Assad regime's human rights violations in the Syrian Civil War. TUCKER CARLSON ORIGINALS TRANSGRESSIVE: THE CULT OF CONFUSIONIt is impossible for me to be monetized on YouTube for the content I post so any amount you can . Meanwhile, a remarkable number of the companies are now bankrupt or extinct. No, no, no, this is a voting rights question. Tucker Carlson Originals Patriot Purge Documentary: Part 1 The domestic war on terror is here and it's coming for half of the country. [162] Klein offered to form a bipartisan forum with Carlson, but Carlson declined. Carlson apologized on his show for the error. You want to call yourself whatever you want with a dress however you want. RISING CRIME AND MURDERERS WALKING FREE: 'TUCKER CARLSON ORIGINALS' EXPOSES WINDY CITY CRISIS Outside of the prison walls, military and police with automatic weapons and bulletproof vests patrol. [10], Carlson called the 2020 assassination of Qasem Soleimani a "quagmire". No, no, this is a voting rights question." [299][300][301], Carlson is a frequent critic of immigration,[24] and has been described by multiple writers as demonizing both legal and illegal immigrants. 2022 Suicide of Los Angeles, Pt. He has been a political analyst for Fox News since 2009, appearing as guest or guest host on various programs before the launch of his current show. His go-to weaponsthe smirky sarcasm, the barbed comebacks, the vicious politenessseem uniquely designed to drive his sparring partners nuts, frequently making for terrific television". [96] He also hosted a late-afternoon weekday wrap-up for the network during the 2006 Winter Olympics. Testosterone levels in American men are collapsing. [434][435], In July 2021, Carlson suggested that "there actually was meaningful voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia, last November" despite the state's election results being validated via both hand and machine recounts. And they call other people traitors because they're mouthing the talking points of Putin." Market data provided by Factset. According to Vox, it promoted conspiracy theories about Soros and suggested that criticism of the Hungarian government was a function of jealousy from the political left. [220][221][222] In 2015 he said Australian gun laws were "insane" and "childish". [34][447][448] He alleged that unindicted co-conspirators in rioters' indictments were government agents, saying, "FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6, according to government documents". [198], Writing for Politico in January 2016, Carlson expressed his support for Donald Trump's candidacy and his positions, such as his proposed "Muslim ban", and criticized the other Republican candidates for not similarly making immigration a core issue. [18] In 2022, Carlson released The End of Men, a Tucker Carlson Original alleging a decline in American masculinity. Get 30 days FREE at checkout with promo code ORIGINALS Spied on Him", "Tucker Carlson says he was pursuing Putin interview around time of spying claims", "Tucker Carlson Lashes Out At NSA "Lies" As Intel Agency Denies Spying On Fox News Host", "Fox News: 'Entirely unacceptable' for 'NSA to unmask Tucker Carlson', "Tucker Carlson's Spying Allegations Being Investigated by National Security Agency Watchdog", "How Tucker Carlson Conned America Into Thinking His Heinous Opinions Don't Matter", "Analysis | Sean Hannity's limited vaccine endorsement is a small drop in Fox News's ocean of doubt", "Perhaps Tucker Carlson's data cherry-picking isn't limited to vaccines", "Conservatives Are Furious Biden Delivered a Non-Insane Presidential Speech", "Tucker Carlson Admits: 'I Lie if I'm Really Cornered or Something', "Judge dismisses suit against Fox over Trump affair story", "POLITICO Playbook PM: What Trump is planning for the Jan. 6 anniversary", "Mediaite's Most Influential in News Media 2021", "Bernie Sanders and Cindy McCain Write Tributes for Biden and Other Leaders on TIME 100 List", "Tucker Carlson brushes off 20,000-word NY Times story dubbing him 'American Nationalist', "How 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' Fuels Extremism and Fear", "Tucker Carlson takes it to the Episcopalians", "Tucker Carlson gives speech at Sonny Barger's funeral in Northern California", "Fox News's Tucker Carlson speaks at Hells Angels president's funeral", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tucker_Carlson&oldid=1142748528, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 04:15. We think all people were created by God and should therefore be judged by what they do, not by how they look. [197], He expressed his disappointment with the Republican nominee for the 2012 election, Mitt Romney, and the healthcare reform he signed in 2006 as governor of Massachusetts, which contained an individual mandate, saying, "out of 315 million Americans, the Republican Party managed to find the one guy who couldn't run on Obamacare". Join Tucker Carlson and his team as their cameras take you inside the issues for a new documentary news magazine, 'Tucker Carlson Originals' Tucker Carlson Originals - watch online: streaming, buy or rent [5] He has written three books: Politicians, Partisans, and Parasites (2003), Ship of Fools (2018), and The Long Slide (2021). [317][318] After the Charlie Hebdo shooting in 2015, Carlson said, "This is an Islamic problem were facing. As an example, Alter wrote that Carlson did not endorse Sidney Powell's specific claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, but he did say, "The people now telling us to stop asking questions about voting machines are the same ones who claim that our phones weren't listening to us". "[366], Carlson is an opponent of feminism. The reporter of the Axios exclusive story, Jonathan Swan, later confirmed he had contacted Carlson seeking pre-publication comment, but said he had not told Carlson that anyone had shared the email contents with him. Hear what Biden really said", "Tucker Carlson Claims the Great Replacement Theory 'Is Coming From the Left', "Trump hypes fringe talking point about South African government 'seizing land from white farmers', "Trump Cites False Claims of Widespread Attacks on White Farmers in South Africa", "SA rejects Trump tweet on farmer killings", "Expropriation without compensation: Fact-checking Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump", "Fox's Carlson stunned by reaction to stories on South Africa", "Trump Tweet on South African Land Overhaul Draws Government's Ire", "South Africa hits back at Trump over land seizure tweet", "Trump tweets incorrect on S.A. land seizures, farmers", "AP FACT CHECK: Trump's claim on South African farms off mark", "Antifa group chants outside, vandalizes Fox commentator Tucker Carlson's home", "Ilhan Omar calls Tucker Carlson a 'racist fool' after his scathing attack on air", "Ilhan Omar Calls Tucker Carlson 'Racist Fool' After He Claimed She Hated America", "Tucker Carlson: Ilhan Omar Is 'Living Proof' Our Immigration Laws Are 'Dangerous', "Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Loses More Advertisers", "Tucker Carlson says protests are 'definitely not about black lives,' prompting backlash", "Tucker Carlson condemned for bizarre BLM-Capitol riot comparison", "Fact Check: Did George Floyd die of a drug overdose, as Tucker Carlson says? Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. ", "Tucker Carlson falsely claims COVID-19 vaccines might not work", "Tucker Carlson's sloppiest, most dangerous vaccine segment yet", "As much of America takes drastic action, some Republicans remain skeptical of the severity of the coronavirus pandemic", "Tucker Carlson says US authorities 'lying' about Covid vaccines as conservative media sows doubts over safety", "How Fox News hosts started attacking COVID-19 vaccines after Biden took over the rollout from Trump", "Tucker Carlson misrepresents government data on Covid-19 vaccines", "Tucker Carlson Says Vaccine-Related Deaths May Be Abnormally High But Vaccines Haven't Been Linked To Deaths", "Tucker Carlson's Faulty Complaint about Coronavirus Vaccines", "Fox News's Tucker Carlson tells viewers to 'ignore' TV medical advice", "Tucker Carlson escalates feud against Anthony Fauci by claiming he 'created' Covid", "Sanjay Gupta blasts Tucker Carlson as 'reckless' on vaccines", "Tucker Carlson: How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccine? [470][f] House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy asked House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes to investigate. 2021-10-21T00:00:00Z 1x09 Blown Away: The People vs Wind Energy. [389][399][400] Carlson's argument was called misleading because the federal database he cited, VAERS, consists of unverified public reports, some of which have been false; post-vaccine deaths can be from unrelated causes; and the CDC had found no connection between COVID-19 vaccinations and deaths based on VAERS. So Tucker Carlson went to Hungary", "Tucker Carlson Has Seen the Future, and It Is Fascist", "Tucker Carlson joins the right-wing pilgrimage to Budapest", "Why Tucker Carlson's special on Hungary and Soros matters", "George Soros-founded group challenges Tucker Carlson documentary as 'anti-American propaganda', "Newly Dovish, Tucker Carlson Goes Public Kimmel Writer Ribs Times", "Tucker Carlson Is Doing Something Extraordinary", "Fox's Tucker Carlson: Why Is Congress Paying for Walls in Israel, but Not the U.S.", "Tucker Carlson: Mexico has interfered in US elections 'more successfully' than Russia", "Analysis: Tucker Carlson identifies the actual threat to American democracy: Hispanic voters", "Tucker Carlson: America 'Must Strike Back' Against Mexico", "Tucker Carlson interview goes sideways when guest accuses him of defending Putin", "Why two talking heads on Fox News just rehashed the debates of 1938", "Fox News Hosts Freak Out Over 'Mean Girl' Robert Mueller: 'Full Of Crap', "Tucker Carlson Secretly Tried to Get Jared Kushner to Broker Pardon for Roger Stone, Book Reveals", "Barack Obama's ambassador to Russia calls out Fox News host Tucker Carlson for defending Putin", "Fox News host Tucker Carlson: Putin does not hate America like liberals do", "How Tucker Carlson Is Boosting Russia's New Propaganda War", "Russia planning massive military offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops, U.S. intelligence warns", "After downplaying Russia-Ukraine conflict, Tucker Carlson shifts his tone on Putin: 'He is to blame', "Theory About U.S.-Funded Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine Is Unfounded", "How 'Ukrainian bioweapons labs' myth went from QAnon fringe to Fox News", "How the false Russian biolab story came to circulate among the U.S. far right", "Tulsi Gabbard Latest To Push Russian-Backed Conspiracy About U.S.-Backed Biological Labs In Ukraine", "Leaked Kremlin Memo to Russian Media: It Is 'Essential' to Feature Tucker Carlson", "Kremlin memos urged Russian media to use Tucker Carlson clips report", "Syrian gas attack conspiracy theories fueled by Tucker Carlson and far-right fringe", "Fox News Host: We Tolerate Saudi Atrocities in Yemen, So Why Not Assad's in Syria? [459][460] Bret Baier and Chris Wallace, prominent anchors in the network's news division, raised objections to the series to top executives of the Fox organization. [362] Ben Samuels of Haaretz wrote that the episode "brings Carlsons history of providing a platform for antisemitism further into focus". What the fuck? [123] Tucker Carlson Tonight was the third-highest-rated cable news show as of March 2018. Go to Fox Nationto start a free trial and watch the extensive library from your favorite Fox News personalities. E9 All episodes Cast & crew User reviews IMDbPro All topics Patriot Purge: Part 1 Episode aired Nov 1, 2021 IMDb RATING 4.5 /10 211 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary Short Part 1 of 3: The domestic war on terror is here. Not a joke. Market data provided by Factset. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, The agency denies it", "McCarthy taps Nunes to investigate NSA over claims of spying on Tucker Carlson", "Tucker Carlson sought interview with Putin at time of NSA spying claim", "Watchdog to Scrutinize Fox News Host's Claim the N.S.A. [404][405] He also likened vaccine passports to segregationist Jim Crow laws. Carlson said people who disagree with what's happening are being told to "shut up. [364][bettersourceneeded], In July 2020, after Tucker Carlson Tonight writer Blake Neff resigned after he was revealed to have posted several racist blogs, Carlson condemned the blog posts on his show saying "It is wrong to attack people for qualities they cannot control. ", "Tucker Carlson appears to endorse Harvey Milk's murderer in college yearbook", "Tucker Carlson's College Yearbook Says He Belonged to Club for Harvey Milk's Murderer", "Former Dem-Gaz editorial writer Tucker Carlson to succeed Megyn Kelly in Fox prime time", "Why Are Writers and Editors So Obsessed With Tucker Carlson? [165] Reuters media critic and libertarian Jack Shafer, while commenting "I've never thought much of Media Matters' style of watchdogging or Brock's journalism", nevertheless sharply criticized The Daily Caller piece for relying on conjecture, absence of evidence, and inclusion of "anonymously sourced crap", adding that "Daily Caller is attacking Media Matters with bad journalism and lame propaganda. You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! '"[315][316], Carlson has criticized Islam and has hosted guests on his show who do the same. Mother Jones further observed Carlson was the only Western media pundit the Kremlin adopted in this way. Carlson asked Nayib Bukele, El Salvador's president, about the MS-13 massive power vacuum within the countrya gang with so much influence that the Salvadorian government even negotiates with them. Episode 10 Series 9", "Special Report's "all-star" panel is overwhelmingly conservative: 67% over past 3 months", "Fox News Reporting: Fighting for Our Children's Minds", "Resurfaced '07 Talk by Obama Renews Questions on Race", "Tucker Carlson's Obama video: the Fox News 'bombshell' that fizzled", "Tucker Carlson Probably Paid for Obama Video Everyone Had Already Seen", "Greta Van Susteren Abruptly Leaves Fox News", "Tucker Carlson's Fox News show debuts to phenomenal ratings, beats both CNN and MSNBC combined", "Fox News Ratings Hit Record High In Trump's First Few Months As President", "Fox News Will Replace Bill O'Reilly With Tucker Carlson", "Carlson's ratings on Fox closing in on O'Reilly's", "Fox News tops CNN and MSNBC combined in October cable news ratings", "20-Plus Brands Have Stopped Advertising on, "RATINGS The Top Cable News Programs of January 2019 Were ", "If Tucker Carlson Keeps Hemorrhaging Advertisers He Might Soon Be Down to Just 'My Pillow', "Without Major Sponsors, Tucker Carlson's Show Leans on Ads for Fox Programming", "Tucker Carlson refuses to apologize over 'extremely primitive' women comments", "In unearthed audio, Tucker Carlson makes numerous misogynistic and perverted comments", "Tucker Carlson returns to Fox News but advertisers are staying away", "Fox News Ends 2019 with Highest Rated Prime Time Ratings Ever", "You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. The investigative series documents Carlson's rise to prominence and his rhetoric on immigration, race relations and the COVID-19 pandemic. The arrangement was not revealed until after the not-guilty verdict. In the 2554 demographic, the show maintained an average viewership of just over a million, with 670,000 being between 18 and 49. [4][41][53][478][479], In arguments, Carlson can quickly shift between personas as a devil's advocate and a moralizing truth teller, and simultaneously appear outraged and blas employing a "joking/not-joking loophole" that radio shock jocks have often used, according to Lili Loofbourow of Slate. [392][393][394][395][396][397] He questioned why the CDC was advising vaccinated people to continue mask-wearing and distancing in April 2021, saying, "maybe [the vaccine] doesn't work, and they're simply not telling you that". As Carlson mocks other men maybe he should look in the mirror. [245][246], On his show, Carlson frequently hosts guests who downplay the scientific consensus on climate change,[247] and disagreed with Bill Nye on the subject. [144] In 2020, Tucker Carlson Tonight and The Sean Hannity Show became the first cable news programs to finish a full year with viewership in excess of four million. [324] Talking about Hazleton, Pennsylvania, where Hispanics had quickly become a majority of the population, Carlson said it was "more change than human beings are designed to digest". [163] Daily Caller employees later impersonated an editor of the Arkansas Times to gain entry into JournoList. I'm psyched to get to do that. [266], In a July 2018 interview about Russian involvement in U.S. elections, Carlson claimed that Mexico had interfered in U.S. elections "more successfully" than Russia by "packing our electorate" through mass immigration. [125] By the end of 2018, the show had begun to be boycotted by at least 20 advertisers after Carlson said immigration makes the country "poorer, dirtier and more divided". [75][76][77], In his early television career Carlson wore bow ties, a habit from boarding school he continued on air until 2006. [383] Carlson criticized stay-at-home orders brought on by the pandemic, and ridiculed Anthony Fauci. By what name was Tucker Carlson Originals (2021) officially released in Canada in English? Putin does hate America", urging him to "stop attacking Americans & defending Putin". Watch free Newest movies Find your favorites 1 In Total Viewers", "Tucker Carlson suggested immigrants make the U.S. 'dirtier' and it cost Fox News an advertiser", "Tucker Carlson thinks libertarians run the economy. [23], In February 2021, Carlson announced a multiyear deal with Fox News to host a new weekly podcast and series of monthly specials dubbed Tucker Carlson Originals on sister streaming service Fox Nation, which released on March 29. He also denied allegations from the Times about obsessing over ratings, saying that "I've never read the ratings a single day in my life. I don't believe it in. [180] Carlson is noted for circulating white nationalist views and terminology into mainstream political discourse, in particular, repackaging the fringe racist "replacement" conspiracy theory into a version that accuses Democrats and "elites" of forcing demographic change. As a means of extortion, the gang taxes residents, imposes curfews, kills bus drivers when they dont pay fees, and even enforces their own laws including mask mandates according to the special. [277][278] In January 2022, Carlson stated in an interview for Axios that he "could care less [sic] if they call me a pawn of Putin", and also stated that he hoped Republican primary voters in the 2022 United States elections would vote out candidates that "believes Ukraine's borders are more important than our borders". Tucker Carlson Today is an in-depth interview program featuring a single in-studio guest for nearly an hour. Call the police immediately, contact child protective services. 1 on The New York Times Best Seller list. But they're wrong. This came in the wake of Carlson's remarks criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement, which had caused some companies to pull their advertising from the show, including The Walt Disney Company, T-Mobile, and Papa John's. "[483] Bump argued in 2022 that compared with other television anchors, Carlson is loath to acknowledge factual errors in his commentary. 23-year-old woman to Tucker: I regret transitioning as a teen Fox News 10.3M subscribers Subscribe 3.9M views 9 months ago #Tucker #FoxNews Helena Kerschner tells Tucker Carlson on why she. He characterized the protests as "nearly a year of burning and looting and murder by BLM". [124], In October 2018, Tucker Carlson Tonight was the second highest-rated cable news show in prime time, after The Sean Hannity Show with Sean Hannity, with 3.2million nightly viewers. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. [307] He asked rhetorically, "the combined membership of every white supremacist group in America would they be able to fit inside a college football stadium? "[410] More than 90% of Fox Corporation's full-time employees had been fully vaccinated by September 2021. We can trade intimate details. [36][14][35][37][15], Carlson was born Tucker McNear Carlson in the Mission District of San Francisco, California, on May 16, 1969. "[35][458] Conservative writers Jonah Goldberg and Steve Hayes responded to the series by severing their ties to Fox News, declaring that the series was "a collection of incoherent conspiracy-mongering, riddled with factual inaccuracies, half-truths, deceptive imagery, and damning omissions". [68][69] The piece led to bad publicity for Bush's 2000 presidential campaign. or redistributed. Ask anyone at Fox." [248][249][250][251], Carlson is skeptical of foreign intervention, has expressed regret for his public support of the U.S. invading Iraq in 2003, and has said "the U.S. ought to hesitate before intervening abroad". Carlson began his media career in the 1990s, writing for The Weekly Standard and other publications. [287], When President Trump met the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the country's border with the South in June 2019, Carlson, who was touring with Trump, defended Trump's friendship with Kim. [336][181] He accused Democrats and "the left" of "pushing replacement theory", saying "there is a strong political component to the Democratic Party's immigration policy". Streaming only @foxnation Get free account: http://TuckerCarlson.com Media PersonalityJoined March 2022 3Following 73.2KFollowers Tweets Tweets & replies Media Likes Tucker Carlson Originals's Tweets A band of local Mainers unite to take on the corporations and their corrupt leaders. Recordings of these segments were released online in March 2019 by the progressive nonprofit Media Matters for America. He then worked as an opinion writer at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newspaper in Little Rock, Arkansas, before joining The Weekly Standard news magazine in 1995. Testosterone levels and fertility in American men are drastically declining. [195] Carlson said in an interview, "by my criteria, Bush isn't much of a conservative". While in the nations capital, San Salvador, Carlson took part in a ride-along with the citys police, toured a Salvadorian prison housing members of the MS-13 gang, and snagged an exclusive interview with the countrys new president - whos cracking down on the "death cult.". [264] He called for the United States to work with Russia in the Syrian Civil War against a common enemy like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). [348] Congresswoman Omar responded on Twitter, saying that "advertisers should not be underwriting this kind of dangerous, hateful rhetoric". The stock price is down. Watch Tucker Carlson Originals Online | Stream Fox Nation Join Tucker Carlson as he takes you inside the issues of the day. He asked Max Boot to "tell me how many Americans in the United States have been murdered by terrorists backed by Iran since 9/11? [384][385] In 2021 and 2022, he repeatedly aired segments casting doubt on masks and vaccines, and falsely accused National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci of contributing to the creation of the virus. "Gangs are only 1% of our population herebut they control a lot of territories," Bukele told Carlson. [273] Trump commuted Stone's sentence on July 10, 2020. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. [390] However, Carlson also claimed that some U.S. officials were overstating the deadliness of the virus a claim that PolitiFact called mostly false. [304] In May 2019 he said, "The flood of illegal workers into the United States has damaged our communities, ruined our schools, burdened our healthcare system and fractured our national unity. [44][45], Carlson's paternal grandparents were Richard Boynton and Dorothy Anderson, who were teenagers when they placed his father at The Home for Little Wanderers orphanage where he was fostered by Carl Moberger of Malden, near Boston, a tannery worker of Swedish descent, and his wife Florence Moberger. Carlson served as editor-in-chief, and occasionally wrote opinion pieces with Patel. [381][382] But by May 2020, Carlson began to publicly question the severity of the virus[383] and oppose social distancing measures. [41] By February 2010, The Daily Caller was part of the White House rotating press pool. Nikolas Lanum is an associate editor for Fox News Digital. [388] Later Carlson falsely called Fauci "the guy who created Covid". [171][170], In May 2017, Carlson, represented by the literary and creative agency Javelin, signed an eight-figure, two-book deal with Simon & Schuster's conservative imprint, Threshold Editions. "[239][240][241] In January 2019, Carlson used a Washington Post op-ed by Romney to criticize what he described as the "mainstream Republican" worldview, consisting of "unwavering support for a finance-based economy. [223][224] In March 2018 he criticized Donald Trump for comments supporting gun control after the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. [151][152][153] In spring of 2021 he began hosting a show on Fox Nation called Tucker Carlson Today. [9] Carlson also met with Jared Kushner at the White House and demanded clemency for Stone. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Fox Nationprograms are viewable on-demand and from your mobile device app, but only for Fox Nation subscribers. He supported Ron Paul's 1988 presidential candidacy, when Paul ran as the candidate for the Libertarian Party, along with his 2008 presidential candidacy, when Paul ran as a Republican. And we've really been cowed into silence. Carlson asked. That's how we got Jan. 6 in the first place. [31] In September 2020, on The Rubin Report, Carlson said that, unlike TV newscasters who he said "systematically lie", he will only lie "if I'm really cornered or something", saying, "I lie. According to Fox News, the advertisers only moved their ad buys to other programs. Floyd had drugs in his system when he died, but medical professionals determined this did not cause his death. [19], In a guest appearance with Alex Jones in 2015, Carlson criticized the Obama administration for "making excuses for" rioters in racially-charged anti-police protests in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, saying, "They categorize people by race in a way that, you know, you can't even imagine 30 years ago you would have said, 'Wait a second, that's like Nazi stuff. Tucker Carlson asserted Friday that the December arrest of Andrew Tate, the pro-Trump, misogynistic social media figure currently imprisoned in Romania on suspicion of human trafficking, rape and organized crime, was "obviously a set up.". "They really dislike our country. [30][50][330][331] In an open letter to Fox News, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt called for the network to fire Carlson, arguing that the talk about demographic replacement "was not just a dog whistle to racists it was a bullhorn". AfriForum, a South African non-governmental organization focused mainly on the interests of Afrikaners, took credit for Carlson's and Trump's statements, saying it believed that its campaign to influence American politics had succeeded.
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